Year: 2016

That nervous feeling of being on the brink of transformation is explored in this conversation, revealing the investments placed between our selves and our true home, within.

“If it isn’t natural, immediate and beautifully easy, you’re making it too difficult.” Discover what John is referring to in this conversation about whether intense fear can prevent us from living from the heart.

This conversation takes us on a journey beyond our seen reality into unseen realms within, and John describes the subtle veils that separate us from being the love that we most deeply are.

Q: I don’t know how to get into my heart. I understand how that happens naturally just before I fall asleep, but how do I be in my heart in the midst of all my feelings, without judging from the head? John: If you…

“No matter what, it keeps seeping in.” A conversation showing the endless, transformative ways our being naturally flows into our selves.

This conversation zooms in on the micro-movements of awareness in form, and how it can choose between the addictive power of illusion or the healing power of oneness.

Q: I feel so coarse in my self. It barely reflects anything of what’s in my heart and it’s like trying to drive with the emergency brakes on. John: The essence of containment is that you have need of nothing. That frees you to…
Q: I’d love to hear you speak about learning. John: Real learning takes place in your self. It comes about when you in your self are informed by what you really are. The learning in your self takes place when something of your self…
Q: I found myself in a very complicated and difficult relationship, needing effort to soften and love in the face of aggression. I moved away some months ago. That seems right because I don’t fit in the relationship, yet there is still an attachment…
Q: Hi, John. It’s good to finally meet you. My question is how do you deal with damage that was done because you were vulnerable, you weren’t expecting it and you were wide open? Maybe when you were younger. John: By most delicately receiving…
Q: I try to live with an open heart and a soft one, but it’s still weak and I know that an open and soft heart isn’t weak. I still search for shelter from the strong, dark or fearful influences of the world. Do…

Are you ready to be your deeper truth? The person in this dialogue felt there were things he needed to do first, and now feels the pain of having made that choice. He and John explore what got in the way and how to move forward.

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