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"It is in openness and softness that we meet, we know and we see."

Uncover the mystery of your deepest purpose in life in one-on-one dialogues with John de Ruiter. Be part of the next Interactive Live Stream on Zoom twice a day on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.

"It is in openness and softness that we meet, we know and we see."


“Don’t listen to teachings...

Listen only to what directly speaks to what you know the truth of. You, awareness, being quietly grounded in what you directly know the truth of puts you into oneness. Nothing else does that. A teaching and a practice, on its own, isn’t going to do that. Your response to what you know the truth of in a practice or in a teaching takes you within; it connects you within. 

Everyone knows the difference. We don’t all want to know that difference. If you go with knowing that difference, everything is going to change. Then you are like the salmon that, having gone so far downstream, turns, and your whole way from that turning point will be against the stream of familiarity in you. 

It’ll be against the stream of your mind, your self, your nervous system, every way in which you’ve trained your self. And all you have is what you quietly know within, and being that. And you live in that, like a salmon turning and going upstream, up and up and up until it dies. 

You are ready. You were always ready. You just didn’t always agree with what you knew the truth of.


“Don’t listen to teachings...

Listen only to what directly speaks to what you know the truth of. You, awareness, being quietly grounded in what you directly know the truth of puts you into oneness. Nothing else does that. A teaching and a practice, on its own, isn’t going to do that. Your response to what you know the truth of in a practice or in a teaching takes you within; it connects you within. 

Everyone knows the difference. We don’t all want to know that difference. If you go with knowing that difference, everything is going to change. Then you are like the salmon that, having gone so far downstream, turns, and your whole way from that turning point will be against the stream of familiarity in you. 

It’ll be against the stream of your mind, your self, your nervous system, every way in which you’ve trained your self. And all you have is what you quietly know within, and being that. And you live in that, like a salmon turning and going upstream, up and up and up until it dies. 

You are ready. You were always ready. You just didn’t always agree with what you knew the truth of.


John talks at Global Oneness Online Summit

October 21, 2021

Enjoy this conversation with John de Ruiter and Puria Kästele as John describes the value of difficulty in our evolution as awareness.
The conversation is free to watch and will be available on October 21st @ 11:45 am PST as part of the 12th Annual Global Oneness Online Summit.

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We're here for just a little bit of time…

August 16, 2019 @ 12:00am

We're here for just a little bit of time, just long enough in the midst of continual measures of difficulty to know, to realize, to be, to become and to leave. You haven't left yet …

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Featured Transcript

The Real Purpose Of Your Life

November 5, 2019

Q: I’m longing to know the purpose of my life. John: You don’t need one. It’s only in your self that you’re able to even comprehend a sense of purpose. When you can be happy without any reason at all, you’re just beginning to fulfill your life’s purpose. Anything that you do with the use of your self that...

Q: I’m longing to know the purpose of my life.

John: You don’t need one. It’s only in your self that you’re able to even comprehend a sense of purpose. When you can be happy without any reason at all, you’re just beginning to fulfill your life’s purpose.

Anything that you do with the use of your self that gives you a sense of purpose isn’t telling you the truth.

When you can be deeply happy without any reason at all then you also realize that it doesn’t matter very much what you do in this life. It doesn’t matter much what your career is. It doesn’t matter much what job you have. It doesn’t really matter much what you do, because everything that most deeply matters to you is already fulfilled by you simply being pure you, and it’s your own real and deep beingness that is the source of your happiness. Then, in anything that you do on the surface of your life you’ll thrive, and that thriving won’t make you happier because deep within you already have it all.

Your real purpose in being born, in having a body, in being in this life, is for you to manifest your being within all of the levels of form that you’re already familiar with. 

If you fulfill a sense of purpose that you have in your self throughout your whole life, at the end of your life, when you’re on your deathbed you’ll look back and you’ll wonder: “what did all that really mean, anyway?” You’ll look back and you’ll wonder if you haven’t just missed it all.

It isn’t what you do with your life. It’s a little deeper than that: it’s what you do with your heart in all of your life … and that’s just the doorway. 

Once you’re through that door, then it’s you manifesting the reaches of your own being into all of your life.




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John de Ruiter Audio 147

Relate, Love, Belong, Believe

May 3, 2012

“As soon as that knowing in your heart is absolutely enough, that you don’t need anything more, then you as awareness and this most profound knowing in your heart are one.”

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Touched by the Movement of Greater Reality

April 28, 2013

“As soon as greater reality moves and touches us, we awaken and we know differently. We awaken to the knowing of a resonance within that is dear and true and not understood. It is a profound, all-encompassing, beautiful inconvenience that says, “it’s time.” And in knowing that, we know that we are called.” The up-and-coming super-beings on the planet, in waiting Our potential as human beings With greater reality moving, the evolution of awareness is greatly magnified Reality is...

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