Topic: Consciousness & Awareness

The thoughts and feelings generated in a busy daily life easily eclipse what’s deeply known within the heart. What needs to change for that deep connection to be sustained in the midst of life?

Q: Can you define innocence for me? John: Unpolarized happiness. Not strongly happy but deeply, quietly, subtly happy, in a way that isn’t because of a positive or the escape of any negative, so there’s no polarization to it. It’s happy without any reason…


John’s description of the potential of the ego sounds very different from the way we usually think of it, and reveals its true place in the whole of us.



A demanding job that includes problem-solving and decision-making … and a new touch of love for something deeper. How is this going to change my life? John’s response makes clear that this turning point is the beginning of a real, new life.

Though he can’t understand what he is experiencing, the young man in this dialogue has the sense that he is onto something deeper within. We learn how it’s sincerity that opens the beyond, within, and that no understanding is needed.

Q: I’d like to ask about knowing and how to walk in it. Being in knowing in my old nervous system is making a new spine of straightness in me, and the fluid in the spine is pure womanhood or deeper sexuality. Please show…

A heart problem has escalated into an ongoing fear of death for the man in this dialogue. John shows what the fear is really about and how to be free of it.



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