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Staying True to the Sunshine of Awakening

March 7, 2021 @ 11:00am

Using the analogy of awakening as the experience of golden sunshine, John explains what's happening when clouds seem to cover it, and how to remain oriented to your love of the sun.

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“Cosmic love that calls you: higher than all of this world, most intimate and clean”. This is how John concludes his response to this young man asking the fundamental question: “What is Truth?” Watch the rest of his answer.

The most powerful human engine is sexuality. The sexual fields are the magicalness of our sexuality, a magicalness that isn’t reachable and obtainable through anything that we can do in our selves. We can’t access them without deepening in our humanness: that our initial purpose of life comes from being within the heart and coming from the heart. Living from that is the revelation of our humanness. The mystery is all there in our sexuality, in the meaning of meeting and communion, connecting us to the beyond.

Through the story of meeting with a beggar, a man speaks of his sense of continually coming up against a threshold within that he knows will take him deeper, but which he cannot seem to pass through. John explains that this is an illusory threshold created by beliefs, and that the way through is by way of a complete return to innocence.

Exploring the characters and concepts in the movie “Locke”.
– Moving by clarity, under pressure
– Lived-in clarity that is paid for through time and troubles
– If someone is living being really clear, they are generally not distracted.
– If the heart closes then there is no heart in the self.
– A heartless self: A less than human self.
– It’s an open heart that gives the self its humanness
– Separation begins at a subtle level.
– When awareness, on its own, turns away from what it knows, that manifests as a closing in the heart. It shows first in the heart, then in the self.
– Empowering direct knowledge into clarity and empowering clarity into our selves:it’s simple but it costs a lot.
– Relying on clarity is the step right into the self.
– Authentic kindness isn’t learned, it’s a fruit of being.
– The main character coming to love, where he didn’t want to.

How to transcend life and death?
– The principle of life and death comes in the integration of your self, from what is beyond your self.
– Realizing a profound equilibrium of meaning in living and in dying
– Being grounded in what you directly know of the beyond.
– No longer dependant on beliefs to be grounded in your perception of reality.
– Awakening life within that doesn’t pass away.
– You transcend life by coming into the deeper levels of life.
– You transcend death by not being limited to the level of life you perceive.
– Never loyal to your perception, in living or in dying.

Have you ever felt the influence of something deeper than your self which touches you deeply, but that you don't understand? What is the calling? What does it mean for the calling to move in you? In this dialogue, John gives guidance and explanation about the calling and its influence on the individual self. He further explains that as a result of this influence, our subconscious opens into our conscious self, exposing forms of illusion that come through our ancestry and how we’ve developed in our selves. As the forms of illusion fall away, what remains is the deep movement of the truth within, forming a different body, a body not like our selves, a body of being that we can move by

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