Topic: Introductory

Q: I’ve hungered for my true home my entire life. It didn’t exist anywhere in the outer world, and I couldn’t find it within myself either. I’ve struggled to fill this vast emptiness, but nothing does. I’d like your help to remove the crutch…

Despite the overwhelming fear that comes up in this person when she expresses herself, she takes the opportunity to talk with John to find out what’s happening and if it can change.





JdR Audio 392

“All that remains is direct response to your core, to its resonance, in a world that can’t see that and offers you everything other than that.”

“While you’re in a body there isn’t an end to pain…” John explains why this is so, and shares the magical power in our own deeper levels that can transform the experience of pain to happiness and joy.

The thoughts and feelings generated in a busy daily life easily eclipse what’s deeply known within the heart. What needs to change for that deep connection to be sustained in the midst of life?

Q: Can you define innocence for me? John: Unpolarized happiness. Not strongly happy but deeply, quietly, subtly happy, in a way that isn’t because of a positive or the escape of any negative, so there’s no polarization to it. It’s happy without any reason…

John’s description of the potential of the ego sounds very different from the way we usually think of it, and reveals its true place in the whole of us.

Q: I’ve suffered from a chronic urinary infection for nearly twenty years and I’ve tried to cure it with different therapies. Now I’m trying to understand if there’s an emotional or mental cause. I want to get over it because it’s ruining my life….

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