Location: Germany

Could simply trusting in existence be the key to happiness and peace? Using an analogy from nature, John explains how easy it is draw a false conclusion about the source of awakening and realization.

The experience of emptiness and openness on the path of integration can feel like a no-man’s land. John explains why that is, how to avoid a spiritual ego, and what to trust … even if you feel like a fool.

Q: Yesterday I heard you say that being alive in this body is the biggest opportunity to grow in awareness. I’d like to know what would be helpful for me in growing in awareness. John: By you letting your evolution as awareness matter more…

The sense of having nothing to hold onto allows a moment of communion, an experience of being. John explains when holding has value and when it is merely conditioning, coming between us and what we really are.

Q: Right after that last meeting I felt as if a little door opened in me. It had to do with what you said about experience being a messenger. Openness and softness took on new meaning. My body started opening and there was more…

Having been raised in a male environment, this person longs for more of the feminine qualities he’s now coming to know. As he speaks with John, it becomes clear that a shift in his relating is all that’s required.

Q: I’ve just had an operation for breast cancer and the doctors tell me I should do chemotherapy. I’ve decided not to because if I don’t learn to love and respect myself I will have cancer again in a few years, anyway. I’m hoping…

Others’ anger in his relationships or at work always leaves this person feeling hurt and guilty. Why is this, and how can he live with his super-sensitivity?

Q: My question is about the evolution of the species in this material world and how this is connected to your teaching. What is next? John: The evolution of the species isn’t next. You’re next: your shift of orientation as awareness, from within the…
Q: I often feel attacked by my father. How can I untangle the knot that’s there in relationship with him? John: Just, sweetly, don’t. Sweetly don’t untangle the knot. When you are so sweetly leaving the whole knot between the two of you alone,…

JdR Audio 394

“Your time for this is only for as long as the time of your body. When your body dies, that time is over. Your time, and all of its levels within all the levels of your body, does belong to the all of you. Time doesn’t enable it. Awareness enables it.”

Audio selections from the Special Editions CD category created from 2011-2014 to feature seminal dialogues previously available only at the Edmonton store.

Recorded September 19, 2011

How can you release unconscious blockages in order to move freely in life? There is a way and it has nothing to do with understanding.

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