John de Ruiter Podcast 519

John de Ruiter Podcast 519

Your Awakening Gives to Existence

When: September 19, 2011 @ 2:00pm
Where: ,
Could simply trusting in existence be the key to happiness and peace? Using an analogy from nature, John explains how easy it is draw a false conclusion about the source of awakening and realization.
“For you to trust existence brings you to an openness of heart. The openness of heart is good, but in trusting existence you’re drawing a conclusion concerning what existence is.”
  • Your Awakening Gives to Existence 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Your Awakening Gives to Existence

Q: Yesterday I came back from a family meeting and we had a good time together. Then I went home and the sun was shining. There was peace in my heart and I was really happy. I met friends on my way, which I didn’t plan. I don’t know whether existence answered to my happiness in the heart or is it a matter of trusting existence? I didn’t have any plans, but it fitted so perfectly. I would like to ask you to deepen that trust in existence and that whatever happens or not happens is totally okay.

John: For you to trust existence brings you to an openness of heart. The openness of heart is good, but in trusting existence you’re drawing a conclusion concerning what existence is. You’re drawing a conclusion. You’re believing something that you don’t know the truth of and you’re giving that belief form in your thinking. That has you turning existence into something that it isn’t. It has you attributing to existence that which precedes existence. It has you, without realizing it, confusing levels.

You have, within, what precedes your existence. If you trust your existence for you to be able to come into and realize that which you know, within, precedes your existence, again there would be in you an openness of heart in that, and at the same time in your thinking and in your self you are misdirected. That puts you on a path that doesn’t match what you know the truth of. You’ll be putting energy into a concept, trying to make that concept living that isn’t living, even though your way within the concept in your heart is living.

If you stand before a tree, a big old tree, and you believe in your heart that this tree in some way is going to speak to you and tell you what you need to know, your doing so would be a beautiful opening in your heart and it wouldn’t be difficult for you to come into profound realization while standing in such trust and openness toward the tree. If you experience a deep realization so that you are in your mind satisfied that the tree really did answer you, there is a wondrous thing that has taken place and that is you have come into profound realization and you’re knowing it. And in your self you will also be misled. You are misdirecting your self because now you have made real to your self that the tree guides you and brings you into profound realization, when it is your own profound openness in how you were before the tree that accomplished it, not the tree.

What you’re relating to in what you perceive existence is providing, existence isn’t providing. It is a deeper level than existence, what you’re connecting to, and you’re attributing the goodness of that and the wonder of that to existence. You are being what is profoundly real, within, and attributing the results of that to what you don’t know the truth of.

The opening in your heart and the profound realness that you’re coming into and that you’re being is as you know it to be. Because of the inexperience in your self, you attribute meaning to what occurred as coming from what is outside of you, coming from existence. What you were in, existence comes from. Existence comes from that, and, if you’re differentiating by knowing, you’ll see clearly that level of reality within existence without confusing that as being what existence is. That enables you, as awareness, to recognize and move as two different levels at the same time. Despite your lacking understanding and despite the misdirection of your self, you were in what is worth everything. You are not misdirected in your heart.

You are able to provide for existence the level of reality, within, that existence comes from. As you awaken to that, instead of your being in a heartful, sweet way a dependant of existence, existence becomes your dependant. Existence comes into awakening because you are coming into awakening. That brings what you are knowing and being in your heart into your self. That makes you functional in existence. In being and doing that level within which precedes existence, you’re able to be for existence that which you have concluded in your thinking that existence is providing for you.

Then you’re moving in the way that oneness moves. It is everything that you are knowing and being in your heart being brought into your self so that you are in your self and being as a self that which you knew in your heart and were being in your heart. This introduces you to your evolution as awareness.

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