Year: 2013

A constant sense of being in a fight with life and in his relationship is explored in this conversation. What’s missing, and how can it be found?

Q: I’ve had quite a few relationships that ended. In most cases that was good, but it always took me time to get over it. In my latest grief I found a closed place in me which might have to do with not being…
Q: When I saw you a few days ago with some other people, I saw something embodied that struck me. I can clearly see essential qualities and beings in people. It’s an unearthly quality, as if it would need the whole world to sustain…
Q: When I last spoke with you and asked about how to move in all that was opening, you kept telling me: “Love.”  The healing sessions I had with people were different. I felt you next to me, as if it was you speaking….

A tender conversation on heartbreak, loss, and the ever-present availability of an unbroken, deeper-level connection.

A decision taken in childhood that it is not safe to love is opened up in this dialogue. John reveals the mechanism and the role of emotion in its creation, and we discover how the whole structure can transform.

Q: How do I keep my life energy when I live with a husband that I deeply love, am deeply connected to, but who is very depressed and full of pain? How do I cope with that? John: Instead of being your self to…
Q: I can see clearly essential qualities and essential beings in people. This quality seems to be not an earthly quality. I had the impression maybe there is even more if I go deeper. Can you say more about that? John: Not deep into…
Q: I have a question about loyalty. Somehow, I always manage to get myself in a position where I have to choose between mom and dad, and then a struggle occurs. Can you help me to recognize the true nature of loyalty? John: As…
Q: I lost my job. I can see there’s opportunity in it and at the moment I’m struggling to see what to do next – whether to find another job in the same line or whether to make a change. Losing my job brings up…
Q1: John, you’ve spoken about the centre of the body, and what happens in the body and how to relax. Where is it controlled from? Where is this point where I can release that to my body completely? John: It’s controlled in your face and…

It’s understandable to want more and more of something we love, but through the simple analogy of a loaf of bread and a crumb, John shows how it’s being at home in nothing that we’re able to come into and have everything.

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