Year: 2013

The help you want to give your child may not be the help they really need. This conversation shows how motherly love can deepen and change.

“It’s a to-die-for opportunity.” John explains the value of relating directly to the subtle movement of deeper levels coming together, just beneath a strangely lifeless experience in the self.

There’s a far greater reality already in the body than our nervous system would have us believe. John explains how it can be transcended by awareness completely given to what it knows.

“Growth is painful.” John is referring to the inevitability of difficulty, pain or suffering as awareness evolves, and why its evolution is the greatest opportunity of this life.

JdR Audio 398

“The deeper levels of your body are either still or flourishing. For the deeper levels of your body to flourish is for you to live in awakening.”

Q: Yesterday I heard you say that being alive in this body is the biggest opportunity to grow in awareness. I’d like to know what would be helpful for me in growing in awareness. John: By you letting your evolution as awareness matter more…

Having been raised in a male environment, this person longs for more of the feminine qualities he’s now coming to know. As he speaks with John, it becomes clear that a shift in his relating is all that’s required.

The terms of this man’s new relationship feel frustrating and unacceptable to him. Why is it so painful and what can he do? There’s only one way, and John explains.

The great, unseen potential of real relationship is opened up in this conversation. Exquisite, with no need of understanding, here is how two people can explore and be together in depths of meaning beyond themselves.

Q: How can I melt my frozen heart? John: Like that you have a heart, even though it’s frozen. That melts it a little bit. As your heart melts a little bit, you’ll know more. As soon as you know more in your heart,…

This person is feeling pain and fear around a big life change she wants to make, but her partner doesn’t. How can this be resolved, and what really matters?

Q:  My question is how to get to my next level of awareness. I’ve suffered a lot of pain this year and had an emergency operation. I didn’t see how dangerous the situation was. I stayed in my pain and arrived at the hospital…

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