Location: Poleg Beach

Q: What happens after death to the being? John: After you’ve died, you will purely be what you really are. Q: Why is it important to pursue it in this lifetime? John: The whole point of being born and being here is for you…
Q:  Hello John. I listened to one of your CDs in which you said “relate to you after you have died” and it was a big pointer for me. Can we do it now? John: Relate to what you are after you’ve died, while…
Q: I know there are breathing methods and techniques – ways of inhaling and exhaling – and sometimes also saying certain things. Can you speak about breathing? John: It’s all naturally fulfilled and you don’t need to follow a system or a practice. When…
Q: I’ve suffered from a chronic urinary infection for nearly twenty years and I’ve tried to cure it with different therapies. Now I’m trying to understand if there’s an emotional or mental cause. I want to get over it because it’s ruining my life….
 Q: I want to ask you about grief. I remember you telling us about the importance of pain or letting ourselves feel hurt because it lets us into our hearts and our beings, keeping open and soft, but what is the effect of grief…

John chooses the image of building a stairway within to illustrate how we can move in the activities of life and remain connected to the deep we know. What matters most is honesty, and he explains why.

Responding to a question about how consciousness and unconsciousness become one, John describes how realization, or its lack, forms the basis of our reality. A reality governed by experience or by what truly nurtures and satisfies us.

Q:  I’ve heard you speak about the matrix, and I wonder what you mean by that. My other big question is what is my life all about? John: What life is truly all about – if you surrender into the deeper reality of life…

How much does a meaningful professional life matter? This dialogue delves into the unconscious beliefs driving the decisions we make in our personal lives and the true purpose that gives meaning to whatever we choose to do.

Why is it that love in relationship often comes with mental, emotional and physical pain? John describes the belief systems and sense of individuality this all comes from, and how to make a full return to the love that we were born to be.

“The use of sexuality can easily become frustrating because it promises so much and delivers so little.” John describes what human sexuality is really for, and what it takes for us to move in the depth and subtlety of its full potential.

With her husband in a coma, the woman in this dialogue shares the extreme difficulty she faces in parenting her children in the midst of this crisis. John shows her how goodness can thrive in hardship and how this deeper perspective can be a nurturing ‘love school’ for all of them.

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