Year: 2015

Q: When I was very young, I got lost on a crowded beach and was separated from my family. I remember feeling very frightened, alone and disconnected from other people. I realize that ever since that time I’ve continued to feel that way: frightened,…
Q: My question is: what is it that I most need to hear? John: The tiniest little bit that’s never changed. Throughout the decades of your life it’s been a constant, and without realizing it in your mind and in your understanding, it’s also…
Q: I’m longing to know the purpose of my life. John: You don’t need one. It’s only in your self that you’re able to even comprehend a sense of purpose. When you can be happy without any reason at all, you’re just beginning to…
Q: Can sex be a pure expression of love? Whenever I have a relationship and it involves sex, something always goes wrong. I don’t know how to solve this. John: By being in your sexuality without connecting the movement of your sexual energy to…

How do we create depression? John describes how feelings of lack and meaninglessness occur in our lives and what to do to return to our own source.

A young woman is ready to address her controlling ways and the burning anger that comes with them, but she doesn’t know how. John takes her past her feelings and emotions, and shows her how to be what matters more than anything in this world – at home in her heart.

A question about the difference between knowing and being opens into a grand, detailed tour of the levels of our being, the relationship between awareness and knowing, the powers of the masculine and feminine, and the magical, transformative nature of the self. Now you know how to be what you were born for.

Q: I have a question about my eleven-year-old son. He has some difficulties in school. It seems that regular school is not right for him and I’m looking at others. How do you see the importance of the school years? Am I doing more…
Q: I’ve had pain in both legs for a year, and in one of my feet every day. I’d like to know what’s happening with my legs. John: First, you don’t need to know what’s going on with the pain in your legs for…

Depression and its paralyzing effect can seem insurmountable. John reaches into its darkness revealing its roots in our beliefs and, with practical examples, shows how we can be and sustain our own healing.

Q: What is the real purpose of sexual relationship? John: The perfect communion of you as a being, through all of your heart, including all of your self and all of your body. Sexuality is the engine of humanness. It belongs to your being,…
Q: How can I best support my daughter through her parents’ splitting-up and through all the changing outer circumstances, like moving house? John: By enjoying her. Q: “Enjoying” … do you mean loving? John: “Loving” can become complicated. Q: What do you mean by…

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