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Year: 2015

Q: I’ve hungered for my true home my entire life. It didn’t exist anywhere in the outer world, and I couldn’t find it within myself either. I’ve struggled to fill this vast emptiness, but nothing does. I’d like your help to remove the crutch…
Q: Could you say something about growing out of negative family patterns and family grief? John: Warmly, don’t need them anymore. You can’t grow out of anything that serves you. The negative family patterns don’t hold you as you experience that they do. You…
Q: I can feel so much loneliness at times, but as much as I want to connect with people I cannot allow them in. I’m afraid they will abandon me. John: When you’re lonely, you’re not in need of company. When you’re lonely, you…
Q1: Is there anything in particular about being young that people here need to take care of? Or is there anything you would say about being young? John: When you’re young, the polarity in your self isn’t seasoned. Q1: Do you mean you’re not further down…
Q: I told you long ago about my sleeplessness. I’m only able to sleep with strong medicines and even then it’s difficult. I feel weak and there are long periods when I feel completely empty: no thoughts and emotions, only emptiness and fear. John:…
Q: I have a question about raising children and enjoying them in the way you’ve been describing. I have two daughters. John: How old are they? Q: Five and nine. I enjoyed the first child from the beginning, and it has been easy. The second is…

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