Year: 2015

Is there a way to enter completely the stillness and beauty known in the deeper levels of the body? John describes what’s required, and how living from this level may manifest in person, in life.

Q: I often feel attacked by my father. How can I untangle the knot that’s there in relationship with him? John: Just, sweetly, don’t. Sweetly don’t untangle the knot. When you are so sweetly leaving the whole knot between the two of you alone,…
Q: I know there are breathing methods and techniques – ways of inhaling and exhaling – and sometimes also saying certain things. Can you speak about breathing? John: It’s all naturally fulfilled and you don’t need to follow a system or a practice. When…
Q: I’ve hungered for my true home my entire life. It didn’t exist anywhere in the outer world, and I couldn’t find it within myself either. I’ve struggled to fill this vast emptiness, but nothing does. I’d like your help to remove the crutch…

“While you’re in a body there isn’t an end to pain…” John explains why this is so, and shares the magical power in our own deeper levels that can transform the experience of pain to happiness and joy.

A demanding job that includes problem-solving and decision-making … and a new touch of love for something deeper. How is this going to change my life? John’s response makes clear that this turning point is the beginning of a real, new life.

A heart problem has escalated into an ongoing fear of death for the man in this dialogue. John shows what the fear is really about and how to be free of it.

 Q: I want to ask you about grief. I remember you telling us about the importance of pain or letting ourselves feel hurt because it lets us into our hearts and our beings, keeping open and soft, but what is the effect of grief…

John chooses the image of building a stairway within to illustrate how we can move in the activities of life and remain connected to the deep we know. What matters most is honesty, and he explains why.

Q: Could you say something about growing out of negative family patterns and family grief? John: Warmly, don’t need them anymore. You can’t grow out of anything that serves you. The negative family patterns don’t hold you as you experience that they do. You…
Q: I can feel so much loneliness at times, but as much as I want to connect with people I cannot allow them in. I’m afraid they will abandon me. John: When you’re lonely, you’re not in need of company. When you’re lonely, you…
Q1: Is there anything in particular about being young that people here need to take care of? Or is there anything you would say about being young? John: When you’re young, the polarity in your self isn’t seasoned. Q1: Do you mean you’re not further down…

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