John de Ruiter Podcasts

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John de Ruiter Podcast 608

Actual or Real: Is There a Difference?

June 28, 2020 @ 2:00pm

John often refers to what is real and what is actual. What does he mean, and how do we know when we're being real?

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604 – Broken Relationship: The Kindness of a Hundred-Year Perspective

Imagine looking at the the pain of a lost relationship from the kindness of a hundred-year perspective. New possibilities will open, and John explains.

600 – Out of Your Comfort Zone, Into Your Heart

A perplexing and destructive habit is the focus of this dialogue. What could be so threatening about being touched by goodness?

596 – Beyond Sadness and Pain: Happy Without a Reason

John reveals the source of the deep well of sadness and pain this person carries, and shares how she can reconnect with her original happiness.

594 – Fully Present in Your Body, Fully Present in Your Heart

Closing down to the experience of vulnerability can mean dissociating from the body. John shares a simple way to become more present however uncomfortable we feel.

583 – Finding the Golden Thread Between You and a Difficult Parent

This conversation opens up the difficulty of being with an angry father who still triggers your painful past. Is it okay not to see him, or is there another way forward?

581 – Beyond Panic and Stress: Swimming in the Stream of Your Awakening

The stress and panic coming from her extreme sensitivity have eclipsed this person’s experience of her awakening. Why is this happening, and how can she return to her knowing?

576 – Quieted in the Midst of Panic

Paralyzing panic that strikes at the root of the will to live is the subject of this conversation. Moving beyond it depends on what we relate to, and John explains.

569 – The Simple Way Back to Your Heart

From struggle to love: John explains how to be at rest in your heart, no matter what mistrust or fears of rejection seem to be in the way.

544 – Evolving as Pure Awareness in War and Peace

An epic conversation that reveals what we’re here for, how to help people suffering the effects of war, what can change the planet, and why it's up to us.

538 – Finding Dearness When Difficulty Has Your Attention

“You don’t need to fix your self …” John responds to the pain this person is feeling about her experience of lost innocence and love, and invites her into the goodness, deeper within.

532 – Healing Your Past: From Fear to Freedom

Fully responding to new awakenings can bring disturbance, pressure, and unexpected sadness. John explains why this is so, the goodness of what’s happening, and how the past is healed.

528 – The Opening of Your Subconscious: An Internal Climate Change

John reveals the way in which a tiny bit of warmth, openness and softness can bring about inner transformation, even in the midst of an experience of disintegration and vulnerability.

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