Month: June

Ojas De Ronde interview with John de Ruiter in February 2000 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This article originally appeared on Living Satsang. In February 2000, John de Ruiter was in the Netherlands where his parents were born. People could meet him in the Kings Room of…
Q: We’ve been talking about chakras and were wondering about the kundalini force and its awakening. Can you speak about that? John: When the deeper level of your nervous system is awakened because of what you’re responding to of what you know, then the…
Q: Does lovemaking always address the base and the sexual chakra, or are others also addressed? John: Yes – all of them. For real lovemaking you need all your chakras. If your crown isn’t opening what are you making love for that has to…
Q: I find myself again and again having sex with my partner to avoid him becoming annoyed with me. I’m not comfortable with that. John: Now that you see it you won’t do it any more. Q: It is as simple as that? John:…
Q: You’ve spoken about the self being undone when an energy centre opens. I often feel almost as if a bulldozer has driven through, but mostly I feel it in my face and it feels a different shape. What’s happening there? John: Until you…
Q: I have difficulty with fully stepping into anything in my life, whether it’s the meetings, a friendship, music … anything. I just can’t seem to commit fully and it’s holding me back. Can you help with that? John: Begin with the deepest of…
Q: Would you talk to me about the switch in which power is given from the self to the being? I’ve heard you say that eventually we will all come to that point. I feel very stretched in my self. All my surface levels…

JdR Audio 309

“Any amount of disturbance in your self is newly-found power that you give to your being. The upset dissolves because its power is removed, and at the same time your being becomes more physical.”

Q: During the seminar I couldn’t always follow what was happening as people were describing the openings that they were having in their bodies. This seems to be a very common topic these days and I don’t understand what’s going on. John: Instead of…


Q: What is this sense of energetic transmission that I feel? A month ago I read your little book The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being In This World and I felt this immense peace and energetic transmission. John: You are linking up through…

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