Location: Summer Seminar

This conversation reveals how the new brain awakens and the future self becomes present, but it’s only purity of heart that engages the quantum mechanics of transformation.

A life-changing wake-up call reveals the possibility of becoming aware of our deep interconnectedness, and the great responsibility we have to each other.

“Love, and you’ll know its intelligence.” A journey into the multilevelled body of love that lies beyond our comfort zone. John explains the role of the energy centres in allowing this love to have presence in the self.

In this detailed and at times humorous dialogue, John reveals the magical bonds of being that occur when one spectrum of consciousness encounters another.

Is there a way to enter completely the stillness and beauty known in the deeper levels of the body? John describes what’s required, and how living from this level may manifest in person, in life.

How is a community formed if it’s not moved by intention? A question about love opens a conversation about the oneness at the heart of real community.

Meditation, spiritual traditions, mantras … do they really work? As John explains, there is a living mantra, but you won’t hear it in words.

What does it mean to be in a real relationship, expressing a pure sexuality? John describes what comes first for unseen levels of love to be made physical.





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