Year: 2014

What does it mean to be in a real relationship, expressing a pure sexuality? John describes what comes first for unseen levels of love to be made physical.

“It’s like letting in the most powerful truth virus.” John explains what he means when he speaks of the calling, and what matters most in responding to its subtle, electromagnetic draw.

Q: Ten years ago, you said I was on the verge of becoming what I was born to be, and a there was a big change. A shift happened, but I know I held back. A rebelliousness came up, a little childhood thing. It’s…
Q: I’ve been going to workshops on awareness, and it excited me a lot. Awareness is my utmost interest or priority, and yet it seems to have drifted into a flattened place, so I wonder if I am putting up a defence or I…

A tiny touch of awakening has landed in this person, but she’s afraid it will never grow. Through the metaphor of caring for a little fruit tree, John shares the shift of attention needed for the tree to flourish, no matter what.

Q: We talked many years ago. Although I don’t remember my question to you, I know that tears streamed down my face most of the time and the essence of what you said really resonated with me. Now, many more years have gone by,…

In this conversation John describes the effect on our subconscious selves of a lifetime spent believing what we don’t actually know to be true. He reveals the way forward, from the darkness of false belief to the creation of a self of light.

Responding to a question about how consciousness and unconsciousness become one, John describes how realization, or its lack, forms the basis of our reality. A reality governed by experience or by what truly nurtures and satisfies us.

How can we open our heart toward another when there are unpleasant emotions involved? John explains how the need to diminish these negative feelings only feeds them and that it is possible to flourish, deepen and develop in the midst of any difficulty.

Q1: I work as a speech therapist with children. When I hear you speak, it reminds me of the importance in psychological theory for children to grow up with soft hearts, good relationships and protection in order to develop their potential. Can you say…
Q: John, there’s a supposition that therapy is necessary in order to be free from the stories we use to justify our perceptions and our self-identity. It seems as if you’re saying that merely living by the truth, you see you’ve been dishonest, and…
Q: I don’t really understand how to take care of people who are suffering or in difficulty. John: There needs to be a fundamental acceptance that we’re not going to get it all right, either toward our selves or toward others. Unless you start with that,…

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