The Touch Of The Beloved Within

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When: February 3, 2016
Afternoon Open Mic

Q: I find it so helpful when you speak of openness and softness of heart, and that all I need is to access the teeniest bit. It relaxes me out of the suffering and stories in my self, yet it’s so easily forgotten. Can you speak more about it?

John: When you are gentled and quieted in your heart, all there really is is that tiny little bit that you know the truth of. That tiny little bit isn’t an understanding; it is the beginning of most delicate beingness.

As you respond to it, you are opening and softening. That’s the beingness you’re responding to. You respond to it by being it. That rested configuration of your being is what you know and what you respond to. It is beingness that you directly know the truth of. Your response to it completes you because that tiny little bit of beingness is complete.

If this tiny touch of beingness would be all that you knew for the rest of your life, you would have it all. To embody that tiny little bit would be everything. That tiny little bit that you know the truth when you’re gentled and quieted in your heart is your being. 

As you enter it, you realize your being. As you turn into that tiny little bit, you discover the beloved.


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