Topic: Pain & Suffering

Q: I don’t think I know how to open when someone says something that hurts, or when everything feels shrunken and closed inside. John: Really enjoy that all that you are feeling in such a moment represents just your self, and not at all…

In this Q&A dialogue, John speaks about how to stay in the heart when others attack or offend you.
The dialogue covers several topics including:
• Reactivity and polarization. The reactivity betrays a false, illusory investment.
• Being honest to your self blinds you.
• Being beautifully vulnerable: No filters, no boundaries, no shields, no protection of any kind – you will feel everything. Everything that touches your self from anyone, from anything, is free to go right into you, right through you.
• Instead of reacting – open. When someone loves you – open. When someone is nasty to you – open. Then you are being what you really are.

A detailed and sometimes humorous teaching on how to remain open however someone treats you.

In this Q&A dialogue after watching the movie “The Tiger: An Old Hunter’s Tale” the questioner asks about how to let go of the false story you’ve let define you and truly live life to the fullest.

In this Q&A dialogue, the questioner speaks about the emptiness in his heart. He brings it up because he is experiencing a hole, an emptiness, the source of all his addictions, wanting to fill it, and being a victim of it. Watch the video to find out what John says about that emptiness, regardless and despite the distractions one may experience.

An “out of this world” meeting, in which John and the questioner explore what compassion really is.

“Difficulty sends you to your resources …” John explains the evolutionary opportunity of this life and why, when we die, we’ll be indebted to the difficulties encountered.


John talks about how to relate to trauma during a crisis. He speaks to the repetitive nature of trauma as it re-occurs like in the movie “Groundhog Day”, and how we can open and love within that trauma, or get lost in “The Matrix”.

John explains that as soon as you are really listening within, you lose sight of your pain and suffering and magicalness begins to see. Awareness is freed to be the unseen levels of reality, moving and expressing; your return to innocence.


Strong headaches seem to get in the way of the openness this person longs for. A sweet conversation that shows the way to oneness when in trouble of any kind.

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