Topic: Introductory

What is the purpose of the will? Is anger ever justified? Multiple participants engage in this illuminating dialogue about personal will and the potential for true being that exists in no longer needing to have ‘your way’.

How is a community formed if it’s not moved by intention? A question about love opens a conversation about the oneness at the heart of real community.

Have you ever felt the victim of a broken agreement? John explains the difference between the hurt that comes with broken trust, and the emotional reactivity in becoming a victim. He exposes the core belief that lies beneath and keeps us dependent on others for our own happiness.

This conversation highlights the difference between awakening and full embodiment: the first is easily come by, but the second is rare and requires an unusual depth of character.

A delicate and complex issue is opened up that goes to the heart of a family dilemma: is it right to prolong the life of a parent who doesn’t always want to live? Who decides? John and the questioner deeply consider every angle together in search of real clarity.

Meditation, spiritual traditions, mantras … do they really work? As John explains, there is a living mantra, but you won’t hear it in words.

A glimpse of a place inside that he knew as a child brings this person to a threshold he wants to cross. John explains what it takes to enter our deepest interior, the wholeness of what we really are.

A lively dialogue full of questions and answers, wrestling with the fundamental questions of what we are, why we’re here, and how it’s possible to be a pure being in a physical body.

Q: I know there are breathing methods and techniques – ways of inhaling and exhaling – and sometimes also saying certain things. Can you speak about breathing? John: It’s all naturally fulfilled and you don’t need to follow a system or a practice. When…

What does it mean to be in a real relationship, expressing a pure sexuality? John describes what comes first for unseen levels of love to be made physical.

Q: Hi, John. It’s good to finally meet you. My question is how do you deal with damage that was done because you were vulnerable, you weren’t expecting it and you were wide open? Maybe when you were younger. John: By most delicately receiving…

“It’s like letting in the most powerful truth virus.” John explains what he means when he speaks of the calling, and what matters most in responding to its subtle, electromagnetic draw.

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