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John de Ruiter Podcasts

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John de Ruiter Podcast 580

Becoming a Scientist of Love

January 2, 2004 @ 2:00pm

“You know what it is to be intelligent; do you know what it is to be a being?” Step by step, John shows how to explore our being, filling what is known intellectually with its extraordinary qualities.

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573 – Meditation: Can it Become a Trap?

“Meditation is a help, it isn’t you.” This conversation uncovers how a helpful technique can become a self-made trap, and John shares the key to moving beyond it.

552 – No Aim, No Clue: Your Sweet Return to Simply Being

Two questions: one about the vanishing aim of enlightenment, the other about the effects of being on a computer all day. John’s answer applies equally to both, and it all has to do with enjoying being, within.

509 – Bonds of Being

In this detailed and at times humorous dialogue, John reveals the magical bonds of being that occur when one spectrum of consciousness encounters another.

485 – Real Community: A Location of Oneness

How is a community formed if it's not moved by intention? A question about love opens a conversation about the oneness at the heart of real community.

481 – From a Spiritual Practice to a Living Mantra

Meditation, spiritual traditions, mantras … do they really work? As John explains, there is a living mantra, but you won't hear it in words.

438 – Beyond a Daily Practice: Why Working on Your Beingness Doesn't Work

The man in this dialogue is ready to make whatever sacrifices necessary to let go of the self and move deeper into his being. He discusses with John his various practices, and the two-edged sword of any doing to be becomes clear. Together they arrive at the only way that works.

415 – The Search for Truth Will Never Satisfy

“What am I looking for?” This questioner has been enjoying some rest from his search for liberation, but feels a familiar dissatisfaction beginning again. John's answer reveals how the search can end once and for all.

401 – No Path, No Techniques, No Therapy: It's All About Opening

Openings come and go, bringing with them great changes in perspective and love, yet in our selves things often stay the same. What can be done? John’s answer draws the questioner away from trying to change her self, showing her what really works: unconditional openness from the inside out.

394 – Why A Relationship Won't Answer Your Aloneness

One of the most common misunderstandings people face is the belief that a relationship will complete them. This dialogue reveals why that isn't so and how being fundamentally free of this misconception is the beginning of true readiness for a meaningful relationship.

390 – The Pitfalls of Interpreting Your Spiritual Experiences

This woman doesn't understand the experiences she's having of subtle energetic shapes and vibrations in her body. John explains why understanding doesn't help, and shows her what really matters.

380 – Dark Entities and Lucid Dreams: At Peace in Any Circumstance

This young man has been having a distressing time with dark entities in his body, dealing with them in his lucid dreams. John reveals the antidote to his struggle, opening up the truth of what such entities are really looking for from him.

364 – Aren't All Spiritual Teachers the Same?

Aren’t all spiritual teachers saying the same thing in different ways? Isn’t the need for a teacher actually disempowering? John describes how to discern what is true amongst our beliefs and assumptions and how the emotional need for closure keeps us from what's true.

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