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John de Ruiter Podcasts

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John de Ruiter Podcast 580

Becoming a Scientist of Love

January 2, 2004 @ 2:00pm

“You know what it is to be intelligent; do you know what it is to be a being?” Step by step, John shows how to explore our being, filling what is known intellectually with its extraordinary qualities.

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561 – Soul Evolution: Perfect Being, Freed into an Imperfect Self

What’s the connection between the being and the soul, and is there a need for discipline and focus for the soul to evolve?

560 – From Busyness to Beingness: No Longer Abandoning Depth for Doing

John answers questions about how to move in the world without leaving the heart. But what if others think that enjoying life and doing less is irresponsible?

544 – Evolving as Pure Awareness in War and Peace

An epic conversation that reveals what we’re here for, how to help people suffering the effects of war, what can change the planet, and why it's up to us.

533 – Evolving as Awareness: The Fast Track

“Growth is painful.” John is referring to the inevitability of difficulty, pain or suffering as awareness evolves, and why its evolution is the greatest opportunity of this life.

459 – Deeper than Human: What Remains After Death

A rich and unusual dialogue on the subject of love, death and real humanness. We’re shown the fineness of the thread that can change our destiny, and what it is that stays with us after we die.

450 – Entering the Next: Growing Older, Reconceived

The woman in this dialogue is standing at the threshold of elderhood and needs to discern what's next for her. John invites her beyond all familiarity into a deeper level, where she would be reconceived by her own deepest knowing, and live as what she will know when she dies.

449 – A Change of Heart, A Change of Destiny

Is there such a thing as life purpose, and do we have unique gifts to bring? John answers fundamental questions on what real destiny is and how it can change as we live.

446 – A Different Kind of Heart: Completely Changed, Completely Real

In direct connection with John, this woman notices her heart and mind opening newly. John describes the price of having such a heart in everyday life, and why that cost is really nothing.

431 – You Are Made for So Much More

Unusual experiences that seem to come out of nowhere prompt the woman in this dialogue to seek John's perspective. What's happening and how can she live what she has newly awakened to in the busy-ness of her everyday life?

429 – Manifesting Your Soul in Your Life

“I need to know more about my soul.” So begins this finely detailed dialogue with John describing the soul, how it develops, and all that must harmonize to manifest its value in our life and with others.

405 – Die Before You Die: Living as Pure You

This man both loves and fears a space in which he loses interest in the world, asking himself how, in the midst of that, he will pay the bills? And what does John mean when he says “die before you die?” A reassuring, inviting dialogue about what we're really here for.

393 – Are You Ready For The Ultimate Truth?

In this dialogue, a young man says he’s ready for ultimate truth, and learns from John what that would actually require.

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