604 – Broken Relationship: The Kindness of a Hundred-Year Perspective
Imagine looking at the the pain of a lost relationship from the kindness of a hundred-year perspective. New possibilities will open, and John explains.
Q: What is actually the purpose of humans on earth? I’m coming with a background of religion: Jewish religion, Kabbala, and I really want to know because I’m still searching my way. What is it that we are brought in this earth to do?
John: This world and how you experience it is a manifestation of what everyone has been in the past. It’s all a reflection of what everyone is being in it – some more, some less. This world is pretty messed up. That means that generally what everyone’s being in it is also pretty messed up. So it’s a lot less than real.
When you are simply in your heart, you are not like your self, you’re not like your own conditioning and you’re not like this world. So when you are unconditionally in your heart you don’t really fit in this world. This world is mostly a manifestation of what your being isn’t like. When you are unconditionally in your heart, you are being the same as your being. As you’re being that, in the midst of a self that isn’t like that, your self moves. As it moves, it becomes the same as what you’re being in it.
The physicality of your self, the physicality of thought and feeling, is always under the direct influence of what you’re being. Your self can’t stop moving. The self is movement. While it’s moving, it’s always changing and what it changes by is what you’re being in it. So the opportunity of being in a body, and having a self, is given to the conditioning in your self, or that opportunity is given to what you are as a being. When that opportunity is given to your being, you won’t live in your self on the basis of polarized experience. Your whole sense of reality won’t be based on what is positive and what is negative, so in that way your experience doesn’t tell you about reality. What you’re being within your experience, if it’s the same as your own being, is reality. If what you’re being is not the same as your own being, what you’re being is not real and it has nothing to do with reality so what you are being is an illusion. In that way it doesn’t matter how right you think you are about anything. If your beingness in the midst of that so-called rightness isn’t the same as your own being, you’re really wrong. In that way, it wouldn’t matter what your reason is for leaving your heart. Any time that you leave your heart you are fundamentally wrong. When you are unconditionally in your heart, you’re not right, you’re one. In your self, in identifying with your self, all you can be is right or wrong. When you’re unconditionally in your heart, you’re neither right or wrong. What you are is deeply, quietly, real. You are real to what you know in your heart, regardless of how you experience your self. This is true for everyone. So in that way, we all are really the same. Essentially we are the same. It’s only through the experience of right or wrong, or positive and negative, that we think we’re different. It’s that really deep sameness that touches your heart the most. As soon as you are gentled and quieted in your heart, in the midst of nature, as a being you come into the same beingness that nature has. So you love being the same as nature. That’s what meets you as soon as you open in the midst of nature. It’s the beingness that meets you because it’s the same beingness as your being. It’s the same in being with other people. When you’re unconditionally in your heart, you find the same in others even if they’re not being it. In that way you can be with the deeper beingness with someone else even if they’re mistreating you. You can find someone else’s heart even if they’re not in their heart.
Q: That I don’t understand. That I don’t understand.
John: When you’re gentled and quieted in your heart in the midst of nature, you easily come into the beingness of nature. If while that’s taking place, you’re, you’re assaulted with a lot of mosquitoes, your attention goes to your experience and you won’t be in the same beingness as nature so you’ll be caught up in a negative experience. But the mosquitoes don’t take you out of that, and you could, while being assaulted by mosquitoes remain in your real beingness, remain in your heart while you’re in the midst of nature. So you’re in that oneness while the mosquitoes come to you. But that’s a different reality for you than giving your power to the negativity that you experience with mosquitoes.
Q: Is that a matter of choice? I made a choice here to not be bothered by mosquitoes?
John: It isn’t about not being bothered by the mosquitoes, it’s about you being in your heart, even while there are mosquitoes. It’s not about not being bothered. It’s all about you being in your heart.
Q: You said that we are living in the experiences of the past. What did you mean by that? What were we before in the past? And how it is all started?
John: Whatever you were being in your past is what there was before. What you really are doesn’t have to do with thought and feeling, contrary to how you experience your self. What you really are has only to do with beingness. You can be what you really are in the midst of a conditioned mind and conditioned feeling. In that way, what you think and what you feel doesn’t tell you what’s real and it doesn’t tell you the truth. The way that you experience what you deem as being real and reality is you really just being in your nervous system. Your nervous system is made up of what you’ve been; it’s the accumulation of what you’ve been in your past. So your nervous system really gives you not a present real representation, but a representation of your past. If you’re being your conditioning for decades, and then you shift within, and you’re just simply quieted in your heart, regardless of your past, regardless of your nervous system, regardless of how that has affected your whole body, regardless of your thinking and your feeling, the physicality of your self, your conditioned self, continues. It’s like a long train that has a lot of momentum. As soon as you take the foot off the gas, the train doesn’t stop. You can stop; the train keeps going. But in time the train will stop. When you’re being gentled and quieted in your heart, it doesn’t immediately change your experience because your nervous system will continue to give back to you what you’ve been in it.
For you to be what you really are doesn’t require any physical change. It doesn’t require a shift in your nervous system. It doesn’t require a shift in your thinking and your feeling. It doesn’t require a shift in your experience. It requires a complete shift in what you’re being. That makes it immediate and it also means that you have all of the power – your thinking, your feeling, your will, your nervous system, your body. Your self does not have the power in the way that you think it does. Your beingness isn’t controlled by your body and your experience. Your beingness is controlled by you. Your self isn’t you. Your past isn’t you. Your body isn’t you. What you are presently being, that’s you. And that you can be separate or one. When you are being the same as your being, you are one. When you are not being the same as your own being you’re being separate, so then you are being what is illusory. You’re being something that’s not real. You’re being something that’s separate from reality.
Q: So how do you reach that point that you’re in your being? What do you have to do to be in your being? And not to be in your ego?
John: What to be is really simple. It’s baby simple. What to be that works is honest. Not honest to what you think, not honest to what you feel, not honest to what your body tells you, but you being honest to your heart. And from there the honesty goes deeper. From there you’ll be honest to what you know the truth of in your heart and what you know that truth of isn’t conceptual. What you know the truth of is a beingness. In your heart what you know the truth of is this: opening. And as soon as you close in your heart, it doesn’t matter what your reason is for closing, you’re wrong. That beingness of closing and hardening separates you from what you really are. So soon as you’re honest, when you’re hard and closed inside, when you’re honest, all you know is to open. But if you stay with your thinking and your feeling, you’ll make your self right for closing. You’ll justify it. As soon as awareness relaxes, awareness opens because the beingness, the true beingness of awareness is at first openness and softness. So any kind of hardness or closing separates you from your heart and your being. It doesn’t matter what your reason is for closing and hardening, if you hold to the reason, you hold to being separate.
There’s only one real way for you, awareness, and that’s you, awareness fundamentally relaxing. As you relax, you return to your real beingness; as you relax you open and you soften. When you relax, in form, you return to your heart. There’s no other way that’s true for you.
Q: And who masterpieced that, that kind of harmony with nature? Who masterpieced that?
John: Whatever, whatever you are being at present. If what you’re being is not in your heart, you’re masterpiecing illusion and you’ll embody that. The beingness of the whole universe, in all of its multi-leveled beingness, is all one. When you’re in nature, as soon as you fundamentally relax, you know the beingness of nature and what deeply touches you then is not first the appearance of nature, but its beingness. In your self, the appearance of nature is appealing; it has a positive and it has a negative. But deeper within, there is no positive and there is no negative, there’s just its beingness, but you’re only in that when you are being what you really are in the midst of nature which is as easy as you, awareness, relaxing while you’re in nature.
Q: Do I understand from it that I am not separated from nature, or that there is something outside me?
John: There is something outside you, but that has to do, not with beingness but with form. Your form, as you experience it, in the way that you experience it is separate from the form and the forms in nature. But that experience is a very surface representation of reality. As the levels of reality open then the forms in reality are no longer separate from the deeper levels of reality. When your deeper levels open, then you experience the depths of what has been before, to you, the surface. When the deeper levels of reality open for you because you’re being them, then the surface, for you, is no longer separate from the deep. You find the deeper levels of reality right on the surface. That also means that when you’re being with someone who mistreats you, you know their being and the deeper parts of their heart that they’re being separate from, so your experience of someone isn’t controlled by how they’re treating you. Your experience of someone else is then controlled by what you’re being while you’re with someone. That enables you to not only be love, unconditionally, with anyone, but then in time to experience love regardless of how someone else treats you.
Q: Do I understand from this that you mean to say that the outside that I see in different shape and forms, like you said, is really rooted, or has roots, in that me that’s the deepest when I am the real me?
John: Yes.
Q: OK, great!
John: But you won’t be in touch with that if you’re identifying with your self.
Q: But like, everything that we see around us, all the forms that we see whether it’s a tree or something or even any kind of behaviours or love for beauty, it doesn’t matter, it’s all connected to source that is much bigger than us and it’s really spiritual and part of a unity and unification and harmony.
John: Yes.
Q: What we say in Hebrew, emet. The truth. The real truth.
John: Yes. Except…
Q: Except that I won’t get it!
John: No. Except where someone is being something that’s separate from their heart and separate from their own being. Then there’s a representation within the surface of reality that’s all separate from reality. So then there’s a form of illusion that’s acting. In that way, an artificial reality is being constructed and imposed. But as soon as awareness, within that, relaxes, it’s gone. It has no power in and of itself. It’s empowered only by what one is being in it that’s separate from the being.
Q: Meaning that as long as I am not in my being, everything around me is illusion. It’s not real.
John: Everything around you is real (Q: interrupts) but your take on it, you’ll think and feel is real and it isn’t, so your whole sense within your nervous system of reality is in some way illusory.
Q: Yes. Understood. I’m sorry, but I forgot whether I asked it or not … if I did tell me. What is the whole purpose of being here, in one sentence? What is the real, why are we here? We’re supposed to be one.
John: You already said it and it’s not a ‘supposed-to-be’. Whatever you’re supposed to be you won’t be.
Q: Unless.
John: Supposed to won’t work.
Q: I’m using the wrong words.
John: But what you relate to is what you’re supposed to be, so it’s not just your terminology.
Q: Oh, so I’m deep in illusion.
John: Except when you relax. As soon as you’re in your heart, all of that doesn’t hold, even if it continues to be your experience. What we’re here for, in reality, true to all of its levels, is to be here, and your power to be here doesn’t come from your self. It doesn’t come from your body or your mind. The power to be here is yours. It’s not dependent on any of your forms that you experience. It’s not dependent on your upbringing. It’s not dependent on your past. It’s not even dependent on anything that you’ve been in your past. It’s, right now, dependent on you, awareness, relaxing.
As soon as you relax, you open and you soften because that’s your real beingness. Whatever you do in your self matters little, contrary to your experience. In this world, what follows through and what matters is what you’re doing and what you have. When you, awareness, relax, what matters the least is what you do and what you have. What matters everything is what you’re being. This world is contrary to that and your conditioned self is contrary to that, so in that way, your own body is contrary to you, because of your ancestors – what they’ve handed down to you – what you’ve inherited, and also how you’ve conditioned, by what you’ve been in your body, how you’ve conditioned your own body. In that way, you’ve added to your ancestry. If you’ve lived just simply being in your heart, then you would have a self that reflects what you’ve been in it.
Q: Beautiful. Thank you very much. I say ‘amen’ to that.
604 – Broken Relationship: The Kindness of a Hundred-Year Perspective
Imagine looking at the the pain of a lost relationship from the kindness of a hundred-year perspective. New possibilities will open, and John explains.
603 – Your Deepest, Most Delicate Belonging
The sense of entering the second half of life is sharpening this person’s focus on what matters most, and raising some fundamental questions.
602 – Honest to the Core: Oneness in the Midst of Separation
A deep dive into the power of profound honesty to make oneness as reachable as going to sleep – without actually falling asleep.
601 – Don’t Go Figure, Go Sweetly Within
Sometimes, figuring things out doesn’t work in the way we expect. Dissolving core patterns is one example of this, and John explains why.
600 – Out of Your Comfort Zone, Into Your Heart
A perplexing and destructive habit is the focus of this dialogue. What could be so threatening about being touched by goodness?
599 – Parenting: What Your Child Really Wants from You
John responds to a mother’s wish to understand why her young daughter still seems unhappy, despite her best efforts at parenting.
“My sole purpose is to be, in life, what we are after we’ve died. Through openness and softness of heart and core-splitting honesty at any personal cost, I live as that while actualizing the same in others I meet. I am available as a resource for anyone who recognizes and values this way of being.”
– John de Ruiter
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