John de Ruiter Podcast 416

John de Ruiter Podcast 416

The Womb’s Deeper Meaning: Resonance of the Beyond

When: February 25, 2019 @ 2:00pm
Where: ,
The woman in this dialogue feels a powerful connection to her womb, as if it’s the key to somewhere much deeper than her heart. John reveals the meaning of this profound resonance and the extraordinary knowledge she’s touching into.
“The energy of your womb takes you way deeper within than your heart. Your womb is like a physical space in your body that belongs to what is beyond your being.”
  • The Womb’s Deeper Meaning: Resonance of the Beyond 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

The Womb’s Deeper Meaning: Resonance of the Beyond

Q: When I hear you talking about going into the heart, to the being, that that’s the door key, for me there is something missing, my womb. My womb is really, really strong door key for me. I want to hear what you have to say about that?

John: The energy of your womb takes you way deeper within than your heart. Your womb is like a physical space in your body that belongs to what is beyond your being. It’s made for a being to physically form in it. It’s a landing place for a being to come into a body and there to form its own body, wondrously all inside of someone else’s body, enabling it to directly, in that body, move as a being, despite whatever level of separation or realness is present in that body: a being moving in someone else’s body because of growing in it, a being moving in that body, moving in that person, appealing only to its being, calling it back to what it also once was and is able to be: love’s reminder through another being in the same body.

When you touch into your womb, as awareness, you are touching into the truth of all of this. You’re touching into knowledge that is beyond what you can understand but so deeply resonates, draws you, fills you. It’s only what you know you came from. It is only, only that that tells you where you are going.

If you’re taken by something of what you know you came from, as you’re taken by that and belong to that, then you really are being what you came here for. Your trajectory in being here is the same that you’ve come from. Your womb is full of the resonance of this.

Q: I have had a lot of that experience from my womb and it has been so strong. And as it is right now, I can feel my heart but it seems it’s not possible to go into that knowing, when you talk about the gateway to go into the knowing. So I’m struggling in this body, somehow.

John: You can’t go into what you know with your own control. You can only go into what you know by letting that knowing have you, take you, control you, and turn you into something completely different. As you go in, it consumes you and you’re given into that. There is no identity or sense of self, no sense of independence that survives that.

Q: I don’t understand why I’m still struggling. I really have the feeling that I have been in that, and now I’m here with all my patterns.

John: Then here alone, despite your patterns. They are not you. What is yours is not you. Alone, given into this knowing in your heart, in your womb, taken by it, whatever becomes of you means nothing to you. There is no mind as to what becomes of you.

At first it’s a little like falling in love. When you newly fall in love, you are givenness in it, taken by it. You have no mind as to what you will become.

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