John de Ruiter Podcast 588

John de Ruiter Podcast 588

The Realization of a Rare Destiny

When: January 25, 2016 @ 10:00am
The longing to be free of any level of the self is at the heart of this conversation. What changes our destiny and gives entrance to what we really are?
“Your future self is determined by what you’re being in your self now.”
  • The Realization of a Rare Destiny 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

The Realization of a Rare Destiny

Q: My question would be if there was a self at a certain time and it went into a super self or a future self and from there, again, into a future self, wouldn’t it all still be not the real? So why strive for a future self if you see already that the future self is also not going to be it?

John: Any striving in your self secures a future self that’s based on your conditioning and that’s based on what is unintegrated in your self. That’s a level of destiny that’s secured. In that way, your future self is determined by what you’re being in your self now. If what you’re being in your self as a continuum in the present is deeper, within, than anything to do with your self, at very least it would be a continuum of you being in your heart and coming from your heart. That shifts your destiny from being a self-destiny to a heart-destiny. Because the levels are different, the future of each is also that much different. Each secures a different level of future self. It’s in that way the level of choice that always determines your future.

If you, awareness, awaken to what you really are that is deeper, within, than even your own heart and you not only awaken but you live that awakening in your life; that it is the present for you, that shifts you, awareness, into a level of destiny that is far subtler, more powerful and further reaching than a heart-destiny. It’s what secures the integration of your higher self, so then you won’t just merely have something of a higher self; that on a self level in your future it’s your life, all because of being what you really are unconditionally in your heart and all in the midst of your self, regardless of its past and its conditioning.

The deeper the level that you come from consciously as awareness, the greater the unseen power from within your being that infuses your self as you live. In that way, from within that level of destiny you are able to clearly know your future, the future of your self, and what that will be in that level of life. To live with the intention of that would shift you out of that deeper level, securing again a much more superficial level of destiny, intention being of your self and not of what you really are.

If you’re awakened to realizing what you really are and that you are, as awareness, in unconditioned response to your awakening, what you really are is your life. Your life then doesn’t come from your self. It doesn’t come from anything that’s conditioned. It has nothing to do with any past. That frees your future of your self. It frees your future from having to do with anything of your self or your past. The future of your self then is a manifestation of your being. You’ll have a being-self instead of a conditioned, unintegrated self.

Q: Is it correct to say you have a being-self? Isn’t it what you are?

John: What you really are isn’t a self. What you really are isn’t a ‘who’. It is an unseen ‘what’. It isn’t even a presence. The presence of your being in your heart is the result of its movement.

Q: So, how to continue realization? I want to be free. I want to know truth.

John: The beginning of freedom is within you, awareness…not your person, not your self, just you…having no need of freedom. That relieves the concept and the issue, the personal issue of freedom free of its charge, free of any held energy. As long as the concept, the idea, and the issue hold any energy, that energy held by you forbids your freedom. When there is a core relaxation of you, awareness, concerning the issue of freedom, you, together with the energy that you’ve held within the concept of freedom, dissolve. As the personal issue of freedom is gone because of how you, awareness, have come to rest, you are free of the issue. It’s real. Your relationship to freedom has died, leaving you free.

If it is a cold or even a neutral letting go of the issue of freedom, the resting of awareness isn’t authentic which feeds the energy charge within the issue of freedom. When awareness coming to rest concerning the issue of freedom is subtly warm, there isn’t anything that can stop awareness from its return to what it really is, to what you really are. The who you are still remains but what dies is its emotional charge. What passes away is any holding energy in who you are, enabling what you really are to freely infuse who you are.

That infusion is what alters the future of your self. There isn’t anything else that can secure your future self being based on what you really are. If anything else is engaged, your future self will be a pattern of your conditioning and your past. Your future self will be a sophisticated reproduction of what it’s already been.

Q: So what we truly are, is it beyond awareness, even?

John: No, but it is beyond your self. You cannot achieve it or come to it or be it with any use of your self. To use your self to move in the direction of what you really are feeds your self and makes the present condition of your self stronger.

Nothing at all works for you to reach what you really are except for what you really are. Thought inhibits you. Feeling inhibits you. However, core honesty realizes. To realize means now, with awareness, you know. Realization then doesn’t mean that you’ll live it. All it means is now you know. You can still be separate from what you know.

As awareness remains in a core honesty, awareness, you, naturally rests in the realization of direct knowledge, in the realization of you, awareness, knowing you. There you are being what you really are, and when being that continues to matter more than any of your forms, when it matters more than all of your self, all of your life, you will naturally sustain being what you really are in the midst of your self and in your life. That is a completely different level of destiny realized, and it’s rare in this world.

If this world appeals to you, you cannot be what you really are. That it is rare doesn’t mean that it’s difficult. That it is rare means that being within the destiny of what you really are because you’re being it is absolutely conditional; it’s conditioned purely on what you really are and its use. You can only use what you really are for you to be and live what you really are. Use anything else and that’s what you’re being. If you use your self, you’re being your self in your self, which secures its conditioning.

You can live modifying your self and the future of that self remains at the same level. There will be no fundamental change. It will just look better. It will have a refinement of function and that refinement won’t be a manifestation of being.

The very beginning of your return to what you really are, despite who you are and despite any illusions that hold together who you are, is you opening and softening in your heart. That openness on the level of your heart is no ‘who’. It’s a ‘what’. It’s an authentic something that has no relationship to identity. What it is, is beingness. What it is, is the beginning of the movement of your being that is present in your heart, and it’s in your heart because you, awareness, are there being it.

The beingness of openness and softness in your heart is form of what you really are. It is the distilled essence of openness and softness of heart that is what you really are. When you are gentled and quieted in your heart, it is openness and softness that you know the truth of. When you are gentled and quieted in your heart, it is only authentic beingness that you know. You don’t know anything else.

Anything that you know in your self doesn’t enable you to be what you really are. It’s what you know in your heart when you’re quieted in it that brings you to what you really are. There’s no process in it. It isn’t a path. If you engage anything in your self to help it, you separate.

Q: Does it help to bring attention to sense of openness?

John: Yes, but that won’t make you the same as that openness. The use of your self, a process, and a path can bring you to the door, but there isn’t anything at all of familiarity and seen form, there isn’t anything at all of your self or its past that can help you through the door. The use of anything forbids your entrance.

Q: Is entrance possible? Does it happen?

John: Yes. Entrance is made by what you really are. Awareness in a core restedness, awareness simply relaxed, enters, making it natural to you.

Your self has beautifully nothing to do with your entrance. Where there is anything that assists you in getting to the door – any process, any path, any use of your self – the only reason that it even seems to get you to the door is because you, awareness, are being honest in the midst of the use of your self, in the use of a process, in the use of a path.

It’s only honesty as awareness that gets you there. The use of form can be a part of that but it isn’t needed and, when you get to the door, none of it may enter with you. If you would like to keep a speck of it, that speck forbids your entrance. Being what you really are means that at your core you have need of nothing.

Q: So taking any need seriously is kind of delaying.

John: If you take any need seriously, that’s serious delay. Taking any need seriously at a core level is what creates illusion. It makes your sense of self important. It is what creates the ego.

If your ego is your most humble servant in moving through the door, you will have no entrance. Even the most seemingly humble ego has nothing to do with what you really are. When at a core level anything of your self is important, that means that you, awareness, believe that being you is dependent on being your self, when your self isn’t you.

Your self on its own without any infusion of importance is innocent. In all of its conditioning, in all of its forms not being like your own being, it’s innocent. It’s when you, awareness, give your self importance in a way that is other than what you know the truth of in your heart you project meaning on your self that isn’t real. You create an overlay of illusion on your self. That overlay is the ego.

The pure life of your self needs no ego, just you, what you really are, at home in it, present in it, being in it and, as you are, your self becomes just like you. You being in your self while your self is in movement transforms your self.

Whatever you are being in your self is what your self becomes. If you’re being the importance of your self, your self becomes an ego. If you’re being what you really are in your self, your self over time through process, the process of transformation, becomes like your being.

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