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John de Ruiter Podcast 427

John de Ruiter Podcast 427

Multi-Dimensional Communion: The Awakening of Your Senses

When: June 9, 2014 @ 11:00am
Where: ,
Though the man in this dialogue has awakened to deeper levels of reality, he wonders how he can give form to what’s immaterial. John describes how this deeper reality is made physical, awakening the brain and body to a multi-dimensional communion.
“This awakening in you, as it opens into your body, shimmers through the structures of reality, awakening them, opening them, taking reality into its next developmental stage.”
  • Multi-Dimensional Communion: The Awakening of Your Senses 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Multi-Dimensional Communion: The Awakening of Your Senses

Q: When I’m together with my wife, and she pours into me and I drop down to deeper levels, I remember you saying that one has to move the energy within the levels to anchor this greater reality into this reality. Can you help me to understand if it’s a physical movement or immaterial movement? How can I move the energy when I’m in the deeper levels?

John: Awareness moves that energy by being the same as meaning in that level. You won’t be able to move it at first. It doesn’t move as your body moves. It’s immaterial, and when you awaken to it, it moves a deeper level of you. As you respond to that, as awareness responds to that by being the same, then this deeper level of movement in you becomes a deeper level in your body and your body awakens to it, making that level in you real in your body. As it becomes real in your body, it connects with what is outside of you, enabling you to know and see, perceive and experience that same deeper level that is present in anything.

As the deeper levels open between the two of you, you awaken to knowing each other in ways that are not possible in your self. You realize what you are and what she is. Levels that are unseen in you and in her become known and seen. As you move with them, as you move together on those deeper levels, they become increasingly more physical. The more physical it becomes, the easier it is for you to find her in her body, transforming your knowledge of what is physical. The physical becomes, to you, inner-dimensional.

It’s similar to the senses in your body. As the deeper levels open and they become physical, you come into real, new senses. These senses don’t pertain to what pertains in your self. These senses work with your own being. As you awaken to them, you realize and learn how to move as a being within your body. You won’t be limited to your body. As you come into these deeper levels and they become physical in you, you are able, as these levels, to move into her which also means into her body, and you would be moving these deeper levels in her body, making meeting together and communing multi-dimensional.

All of this awakening opens more of your brain, enabling these other levels in you to register in your nervous system, making your body of use to your being, to you as a being, instead of just to you as a self.

When greater reality opens, it doesn’t open directly into reality as we’ve known it. It opens into the deeper levels of reality that are not seen. It doesn’t open directly into the deeper levels of reality. That needs to open with awareness. It opens first where there is the largest spectrum of awareness. That possibility is first in people.

When the deeper levels open in you, they open in reality. The deeper levels of reality are not going to open independently of you. It is beautifully dependent on awareness opening, awareness opening in ways that are real, making it quickly physical. It becomes real in your body. What opens in a deeper level that is in you opens in your body.

The reality of your body reflects the reality of you. As your deeper levels open because you’re having entrance to your own being, your body opens and your body begins to function as your being functions. You come into multiple levels of functionality, enabling what is unseen in you to move within what is seen in you.

Greater reality cannot open into reality without reality being at that developmental stage where reality is ready. And even when it is ready, it doesn’t open directly into reality. It opens into and through people, making greater reality practical in reality.

Q: So I have to connect and react with as many people as possible to help facilitating going deeper.

John: It isn’t in quantity. It is in qualities peculiar to your being, with you moving as a being, connecting with precisely the same, the same level of your being and the same region of your being directly with another. That awakens the other. That awakening isn’t dependent on their awareness. It’s dependent on yours.

When you move as a being, aware, without any use of your self, and you know another, you’re connecting to the same in that other that you are coming from in you. That connection brings their awareness to that level in them, constituting awakening. They know where they are known by you, enabling them to know what they haven’t known before.

The more you are known, the more you know. When you are known on a level that you have never been aware of before, that level in you awakens to your awareness. You become connected to an unseen level in you and as you connect to that with awareness, you know what you haven’t known before. You know more and you know differently.

This awakening in you, as it opens into your body, opening the same level in your body that has been opened in you, shimmers through the structures of reality, awakening them, opening them, taking reality into its next developmental stage. That shift in development is a fundamental shift in reality.

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