Month: June

Meditation, spiritual traditions, mantras … do they really work? As John explains, there is a living mantra, but you won’t hear it in words.

What does it mean to be in a real relationship, expressing a pure sexuality? John describes what comes first for unseen levels of love to be made physical.

Q: I had a call from my 21-year-old daughter who left home a year ago, telling me she needed to talk to me and she’s in a lot of pain. I could feel it in myself; it seems we’re in some kind of symbiosis…
Q: Can you define innocence for me? John: Unpolarized happiness. Not strongly happy but deeply, quietly, subtly happy, in a way that isn’t because of a positive or the escape of any negative, so there’s no polarization to it. It’s happy without any reason…



John’s description of the potential of the ego sounds very different from the way we usually think of it, and reveals its true place in the whole of us.




Love. An eternal quality most of us have wondered about, longed for, wanted to be filled with. John describes what it is and isn’t, and how we naturally return to it every day without even realizing.

 Q: I want to ask you about grief. I remember you telling us about the importance of pain or letting ourselves feel hurt because it lets us into our hearts and our beings, keeping open and soft, but what is the effect of grief…

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