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Location: Rishikesh

After many years on a spiritual path, this person is no longer interested in more teachings. Can there really be nothing to do? John describes what stands in the way of living our awakening, and the value of doing that before we die.

“But that’s not possible!” In this conversation, John shows how inner alignment and love can materialize our unseen deeper levels in physical reality.

“Meditation is a help, it isn’t you.” This conversation uncovers how a helpful technique can become a self-made trap, and John shares the key to moving beyond it.

This conversation illuminates the way our conditioned relationship to experience solidifies a life of illusion and how we can shift to seeing the truth in any experience.

Q: You once said that we meet here on earth, and after we die we will meet again. What does that mean? John: When you meet anyone, as soon as there is the slightest little touch of meaning in the meeting there is a…

The experience of new knowing streaming through his body has faded for this person. Does that mean the knowledge is lost? John describes the delicate subtleties we can attune to, and how this depth of openness connects to what makes us truly human.

“I need to know more about my soul.” So begins this finely detailed dialogue with John describing the soul, how it develops, and all that must harmonize to manifest its value in our life and with others.

How do you feed a hungry heart? A disturbing sense of not knowing how to give her heart what it needs brings a surprising answer from John, opening the realness and beauty of her deeper and higher self.

Why can’t I enter life more fully?’ The sense of isolation that comes from feeling like an observer in his life brings this man to ask for John’s guidance in letting go of whatever is holding him back.

“I’m haunted by my abusive past. How can I let it go?” John shows us how our beliefs are embodied in our nervous system, creating experience we make our reality. He shows how real healing doesn’t come from understanding but from something much simpler: unconditional openness and softness of heart.

The woman in this dialogue feels a powerful connection to her womb, as if it’s the key to somewhere much deeper than her heart. John reveals the meaning of this profound resonance and the extraordinary knowledge she’s touching into.

Q: In your book ‘The Intelligence of Love’ you say enlightenment isn’t everything, purity of heart is. Can you explain that?  John: You can be enlightened and that doesn’t mean that you’ll be all that you’ve awakened to, all that you’ve come into. It…

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