Location: Poleg Beach

The real power of human sexuality is very different from how the world relates to it. When our sexuality is connected through the heart directly to our being, it can be the fire that burns up everything that isn’t real in our selves, transmuting our selves into a true expression of our being – what we really are.

JdR Audio 324

“As you, within the movie of your life, relate to the resonance within each of your chakras, these energy gates open and you begin to trickle into your being, giving you a little bit of real, unseen life in your life.”

Q: When I first heard you speak about taking my death dearly to my heart, I was trembling and it was extremely provoking for me. I have been trying to do that, to embrace it and make it part of me. I know it’s…


John answers questions on various topics, in an open mic setting. How to have a deeper relationship with your children, how to open without reason, coming from the roots of your awareness in your meditation and in the rest of your day, the practise of NLP – is it helpful?, the need to be happy, being okay in the midst of anything, sexuality, deeper womanness and deeper manness, overcoming childhood trauma and what makes therapy work.





An “out of this world” meeting, in which John and the questioner explore what compassion really is.

What is the purpose of humans in this world? What were we brought here to do? A sparkling conversation with a simple answer.

An exploration of what resistance is made of and how boundaries, judgments and filters all stand between us and our real life.

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