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Location: Lage Vuursche

How do you say “no” to a child in a way that doesn’t feel restrictive and frustrating? John shares the magic of the “no” that is full of “yes” … a clarity that opens a child to its deeper resources of goodness and love.

“You’re naturally coming into what many people spend a lot of time and a lot of money on, without result: profound awakening.” John speaks to a person experiencing the fear and vulnerability of deep, inner change.

The terms of this man’s new relationship feel frustrating and unacceptable to him. Why is it so painful and what can he do? There’s only one way, and John explains.

Q: I’ve had quite a few relationships that ended. In most cases that was good, but it always took me time to get over it. In my latest grief I found a closed place in me which might have to do with not being…

Have you ever felt the victim of a broken agreement? John explains the difference between the hurt that comes with broken trust, and the emotional reactivity in becoming a victim. He exposes the core belief that lies beneath and keeps us dependent on others for our own happiness.

Q: Hi, John. I’m grateful to be here. I have a question about fear. A year ago, because of cancer, I was treated with radiation and my heart has been damaged. No one can say whether this will heal or how long it will…

The thoughts and feelings generated in a busy daily life easily eclipse what’s deeply known within the heart. What needs to change for that deep connection to be sustained in the midst of life?

This mother’s wish to protect her baby son’s purity from the world reveals what it takes to be the best kind of parent she can be, and how this establishes the foundation her child will need as he grows.

Q: I can feel so much loneliness at times, but as much as I want to connect with people I cannot allow them in. I’m afraid they will abandon me. John: When you’re lonely, you’re not in need of company. When you’re lonely, you…
Q: I have a question about loyalty. Somehow, I always manage to get myself in a position where I have to choose between mom and dad, and then a struggle occurs. Can you help me to recognize the true nature of loyalty? John: As…
Q: I have a question about raising children and enjoying them in the way you’ve been describing. I have two daughters. John: How old are they? Q: Five and nine. I enjoyed the first child from the beginning, and it has been easy. The second is…
Q: I think my young son is testing boundaries, and he sometimes quite intentionally does things we’ve asked him not to do. He seems to want our reaction or response. John: He wants to play with power, so you need to play back to him…

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