Meeting and Communing Before and After We Die

When: February 20, 2019 10:00 am
Where: ,

“You’re able to be spirit in all of your opened senses, your opened bodies of self, of being. As you come into that you turn into not just a being, being a being, but a spirit being. As you come further out into all of this form, then a spirit person.”

  • Connecting with someone who has passed away
  • Being in the intimacy and connectivity of the bond
  • A full spectrum of consciousness
  • Love flowing through forms of illusion
  • Coming into being spirit, a spirit being, and a spirit person
  • Multi-levelled comprehension

Walking In Sexuality

May 3, 2021

May my dams break and flood my daily consciously held routines…They were only built to fill the hollow that comes from being something apart from my own connection to the vibrant source of my deepest. The flood comes from within this person, from his Being and Sexuality that’s not controlled by worldly perceptions of the surface any longer. Understanding on this level will come but it’s last and previously held ideas about my sexuality can pass. A loaded meeting ! Thank You John

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