“It isn't who gets home first but rather, ultimately, everything returns home. The greater the separation, the less the pull. […] These times are not because there is a return, a return home. These times are because reality, in all that it is, has evolved to the point that it’s able to be conscious in what it comes from.”
* Interactive Online Meeting
- How to be warm okayness in the midst of a ‘worst-case scenario'?
- Okayness that isn't relief- or result-oriented; it's a level-oriented okayness
- What you have to offer is what is there in your eyes: what you come from
- The tonal difference between I am or I am: the origin of evil and personal sovereignty
- You cannot appeal to a depth that's there, that you don't live from
- What you unconditionally live by at any personal expense; lived, it is born in the fire