“Knowing the truth isn’t informational. It doesn’t engender narrative. Knowing the truth doesn’t come by thinking. It doesn’t come by intention. It occurs as you relax into you. This occurs naturally – perhaps surprisingly – when you pee. As you pee you don’t need your thinking, you don’t need your day, you don’t need your self. For some moments, while you pee, you are relaxing into you, and everything else is secondary.”
* Online Interactive Meeting
- Dealing with insecurity; attunement not based on thought or will
- Following within entails being weaned of your self
- The habit of grounding your newness realizations into a narrative
- The code is intimacy: pure you, not dependent on familiarity or form
- The negative satisfaction in being angry, hopeless and depressed
- The chief witness within becomes faded while you pee
- Sustaining what you realize requires a greater depth of sincerity