Sharing Your Spiritual Clarity: When is it Right to Teach?

When: January 18, 2023 @ 11:00am

The feeling of spiritual fulfillment easily flows into a wish to teach or share with others, but what makes a person ready to take such a step?

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Video Transcript

Q: Hello John.


Q: How did you know when you start to teach? Where does it come from when there’s no will to do that?

It comes from levels deeper than the self, and deeper than the being.

Q:  So it just happens.


Q:  How was the decision made?

It was in response to what I knew. But a level of knowledge that doesn’t (stumbles twice) doesn’t originate in the self.

Q:  Yes.

Or the heart. Or the being. Where does your interest in that come from?

Q:  I feel more and more fulfilled and I like to share that, and I don’t know when is the right point. Just feels like I want to give something that I feel, somehow. But I can’t really explain where it comes from.

To give and teach because it’s fulfilling and because of a depth of feeling would be a mistake.

Q:  It’s not only that. It’s like knowing that it goes there but I don’t know when.

To teach is to give clarity on what is deeper within than the self, than one’s self, or any sense of self. So if you start out with a sense of fulfillment and a depth of feeling, it’s going to be for, the teaching will be for that fulfillment and that feeling. That’ll generate a self-orientation in teaching.

Q:  So when do you know when is the right point? When there are no worries any longer, or?

You would have to be solidly clear that it has nothing to do with your self, nothing to do with a sense of meaning in your self or toward others. Nothing to do with what it offers you, what it gives to you. Nothing to do with any sense of self. You might even start out without it being about any sense of self, but that will most easily end up about your sense of self and for your self, because that’s the conditioning. Without (crosstalk) it being embodied in all of the little things in your life, and in your relationships, you can start out moving in truth and it’ll become about your self.

Q:  So what would be the next step?

Don’t teach. 

Q:  Not doing anything.

(Nods.) What’s very telling is what are you like in your interior and in your personality when you’re under pressure?

Q:  What I like in that?

What are you like when you’re under pressure? 

Q:  Oh.

What are you like inside? Is there any level of inner dialogue when you’re under pressure?

Q:  Yes. Like I really want to get things right; I really want to do it just perfect. And I feel this responsibility to share something.

Let all of that energy go into an inner foundation. Let it develop as embodiment of what’s deeper, instead of action, investment in action based on what’s deeper. If you want to share, don’t share. Instead of focusing the energy up into the tree, let it go to the roots.

Q:  Mhm.

If you want to share, if you’d really like to share, don’t share. If you’d really like to help, don’t help. 

Q:  Yes.

Or you’ll easily turn into one who shares and one who helps. One who likes to share and one who likes to help.

Q:  My tendency is like that.

Then, for sure, don’t teach. Don’t share.

Q:  But it didn’t feel like I do it because I want that. It feels somehow natural, but maybe I oversee something. I don’t know.

Natural to your self, which makes it feel like it’s just happening, naturally. Concerning teaching and sharing, deeply don’t trust your self. Don’t let it have your interest. If you do, you will follow it. Interests followed are interests that take over. 

Q:  It’s missing trust, somehow, right?

Trust the deepest within, without you converting that to interest. If you trust your interest, those interests will take you.

Bye for now.

Q:  Thank you. Bye.

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