No Path, No Techniques, No Therapy: It’s All About Opening

When: February 11, 2018 @ 10:00am
Where: ,

This woman finds her self behind a shield of protection, separating her from the intimacy she knows lies beneath. But how to get through? John shows her how to drop into the most delicate touches of love and realize her intimate connection with everything and everyone.

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Video Transcript

Q: For quite some time, actually, I’ve experienced some fairly massive, episodic openings and happiness and peace I’ve never known – no matter what’s playing. During these episodes there’s great love and compassion for humanity and the human condition, and yet on an individual level I remain indifferent, as a general rule, to people. I still feel myself as a separate being, and so clearly there’s work to be done. No?

John: You can, but that will further the condition of your self. As soon as you’re relating to work needing to be done, you’ll use your capacity to do; you’ll use your strengths. Whatever it is you use is what becomes stronger. It will add to the sophistication of the conditioning in your self. A sophisticated conditioning replaces a basic conditioning, so in that way it makes your self worse.

What you’re experiencing is all symptomatic of your opening being conditional. The answer isn’t for you to work on anything or to do anything. The answer is all in the opening, the softening: you opening and softening without filters, without boundaries, without any conditions of your self. You no longer opening on the terms of your self, but on the terms of your being, which is entire opening, such openness that is free to have all of your heart, all of your self, all of your person, all of your personality, all of your conditioning and your whole life. That will work, because it is all authentically from the inside out.

This is all based on you being what you are, after you’ve died, while you live. It’s you being everything that is real out into everything that is yours that is actual but not real yet. This requires no path, no therapy, no healing, no techniques, no change of your self. This requires only you being completely rested as awareness in your heart, you returning to being what you really are, and being that unconditionally all the way out into your forms.

This moves and flows and really functions in the same way that you see the innocence of a small child. It’s all clean, and free of any kind of outward process. It’s clean of any kind of doing to be, and this clean, deep, free beingness naturally moves into doing, but that which does isn’t the same as what used to do. Instead of a person that has a self and a heart and a being, doing, it is a being that has a heart, a self and a person, doing: a profound shift of awareness, followed all the way through, that makes the entire difference.

Q: I feel some sense of what you’re saying. I’m very grateful. Thank you.

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