How to Find Your Inner Guide

When: January 30, 2018 @ 1:30pm

In this talk, John explains that it is openness and softness of heart, in every little thing in life, that can become your beloved master. When you live being a servant to openness and softness of heart, that is you finding and living with the beloved within.

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Video Transcript

Q: Instead of looking for the master outside, how I can meet the master inside?

John: Like being mastered by openness and softness of heart in the midst of every little thing in your life – that openness and softness of heart is your beloved master.

Q: It’s that bit, openness and softness. Now is to embody it, to be it.

John: Whatever it is that masters you is what you’re embodying. That works for better and for worse. If you’re mastered by a self-orientation, it’s self-orientation that you’ll embody. If you’re mastered by heart orientation, it’s your humanness that you’ll embody.

If you’re mastered by openness and softness of heart you’ll be mastered by partly your humanness and partly the underside of your humanness – your being. Both together will be mastering you. You’ll be embodying your humanness and your being that moves your humanness. As that is what you embody, that’s you living with the beloved within. The beloved is your life. You like giving way to the beloved within. The beloved within is what has you in your life. That brings the face of the beloved up into your face. It’s a little bit like what you see in a baby’s face, in the face of a small child, still in its innocence.

The beloved has a face. It’s the interior of your face. Like bringing openness and softness of heart everywhere into your body. When you’re carrying something inside about your life, it’s openness and softness of heart that’s carrying it. When you’re doing something in your life, it’s openness and softness of heart that’s doing it. When you think about something, it’s openness and softness of heart that is thinking. When you see someone or meet someone, it’s openness and softness of heart that sees and meets.

This is your new life. This is your love.

Q: Yes, it is.

John: Openness and softness of heart has a hand. That hand within you is you being like this (open hand). When something troubles you, you lay your head in its hand. You let your face rest in its hand. You live being a servant to openness and softness of heart. When, as a servant, you are troubled or anxious about something, you rest your head in your master’s hand.

Q: I rest my head in my face … my inner face. Is it what you mean?

John: Yes.

Q: Thank you, John.

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