What Shall I Do With The Rest Of My Life?

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When: April 10, 2011
Morning Meeting

Q: I recently retired from work. I’m sixty-two. I intend to live beyond ninety and am thinking what to do with the remaining thirty years of my life. The question is about focus and choice. What is my task for these remaining thirty years in this life?

John: To awaken to your much greater interior within that hasn’t yet been a part of your life. Your awakening to that will cost you what has been your life.

Aside from anything at all to do with your self, you have knowledge that there’s more and that the more isn’t at all like your self; it isn’t at all like what your life has been. This more is not something that you’re familiar with, but when you’re completely at rest, quieted and gentled as awareness, you just simply know the truth of it.

If that knowledge within is likened to a door, you need to enter that door. The use of your mind isn’t going to help you. It is awareness alone that enters. If you use anything of your self or your person, if you use anything of your history, if you use anything that is from memory you’ll be entering more of what you have already been in your self. You won’t be entering this greater knowledge within that you have no understanding of and that you do simply know the truth of.

All you have of this is your knowing. As awareness you need to believe your own knowing of this. Believing such knowing that has nothing yet to do with your self has you, as awareness, directly relating to this much greater interior that isn’t limited to your body and is not at all limited to your self. It is so much beyond your self that from within your self, as a self, you cannot relate to it. Yet you, as awareness, know the truth of it.

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