Beyond Core Beliefs: Entering The Deep, Within

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When: June 1, 2017
Afternoon Open Mic
Where: ,

Q: I get carried away by narratives, especially in a conversation. It compels me to follow the word content even though the being points in a different direction. I get into a dissonance that I can’t stand, so I have to either close down in the situation or walk away. I don’t know how to move with this.

John: By you quietly opening, within, in the midst of that dissonance. 

Q: There’s an anger in that which is probably why I have to remove myself, because it’s not appropriate to express that anger.

John: If you are going deep within, you don’t express the anger. If you stay on the surface you’ll go more out of balance if you don’t express the anger, but if you go beneath the surface, you’ll go into a depth of balance that has nothing to do with anger. There, expressing the anger takes you back to the surface and it cuts you off from your own source. When you express the anger, you’re expressing a core belief, a core belief of entitlement. 

As you drop within, deeper within than anything to do with the surface, you come into a beingness that has need of nothing. What you enter is that you are nobody and nothing.

Q: I know that in communications that don’t include words, but there’s a kind of magic in a narrative …

John: As soon as you enter a narrative you function as your core beliefs, and your core beliefs have nothing to do with what you really are. You don’t need any of your beliefs for you to be what you really are. You don’t need any of your beliefs for you within your self to express what you really are. The movement of that is like what you see in the innocence of a small child.  

Q: So I have to figure out a way to connect with the other layer and somehow let the spell of the narrative…

John: By you believing what you quietly know the truth of in your heart. Believe your heart instead of believing your self and, as soon as you are quieted in your heart, believe what you know the truth of directly in your heart. It doesn’t matter how little you directly know; it’s everything. 

As you rest in it, you’re being it. As you are being it and you move in your self at the same time, what you are being will show in your choice of words and in your tone. It requires no effort. It’s a natural change. As soon as you shift from that to your beliefs, you instantly engage your conditioning and it will show in your choice of words and in your tone. 

As you enter this, within, you have no need of anger. You have need of nothing.   

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