Topic: Health & Illness


John explains what depression actually is and the real opportunity in the midst of it. Instead of focusing on the difficulty, there is something you can do with your attention that is subtle, simple, real and good.

Q: I’ve just had an operation for breast cancer and the doctors tell me I should do chemotherapy. I’ve decided not to because if I don’t learn to love and respect myself I will have cancer again in a few years, anyway. I’m hoping…

A delicate and complex issue is opened up that goes to the heart of a family dilemma: is it right to prolong the life of a parent who doesn’t always want to live? Who decides? John and the questioner deeply consider every angle together in search of real clarity.


A heart problem has escalated into an ongoing fear of death for the man in this dialogue. John shows what the fear is really about and how to be free of it.

Q: A little while ago someone was talking about madness or becoming insane, and that happened to me. I was searching for something and I became mad, and I damaged my self a little bit. If you find that you’re moving further and further…

What’s the difference between being taken into the deep in connection with John, or using the biological power of plant medicine? There’s profound difference between how consciousness moves compared with how chemicals do, and only one takes you into the real.



With her husband in a coma, the woman in this dialogue shares the extreme difficulty she faces in parenting her children in the midst of this crisis. John shows her how goodness can thrive in hardship and how this deeper perspective can be a nurturing ‘love school’ for all of them.


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