Topic: Enlightenment & Awakening

Through the story of meeting with a beggar, a man speaks of his sense of continually coming up against a threshold within that he knows will take him deeper, but which he cannot seem to pass through. John explains the origin of this threshold and describes the way beyond it.


• The purpose of being in a body
• Becoming a pure being, living the real in everyday life
• You as awareness: like a newborn baby





How do you feed a hungry heart? A disturbing sense of not knowing how to give her heart what it needs brings a surprising answer from John, opening the realness and beauty of her deeper and higher self.

• The purpose of the universe
• Intimate connectivity of meaning and essence
• When you are in your heart, you cannot help but give
• Real relationship: a partnership in givenness

* Note: this video is slightly out of sync with the audio.
Two participants speak with John for the first time, each wanting his help to move deeper, within. How can we flow in the world as what we really are without creating more self, or becoming caught in the mind? There is only one way, an absolute, universal truth, and it is natural to you.



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