Topic: Energy Centers / Chakras




“Love, and you’ll know its intelligence.” A journey into the multilevelled body of love that lies beyond our comfort zone. John explains the role of the energy centres in allowing this love to have presence in the self.

JdR Audio 388

“It isn’t how much you know but how much you are in what you do know, even if that knowledge comes down to parts per million.”


Q1: John, you’ve spoken about the centre of the body, and what happens in the body and how to relax. Where is it controlled from? Where is this point where I can release that to my body completely? John: It’s controlled in your face and…

• The purpose of the universe
• Intimate connectivity of meaning and essence
• When you are in your heart, you cannot help but give
• Real relationship: a partnership in givenness

How is the heart that John speaks about different from the place in us that gets entangled in relationships and drama? Their conversation reveals the heart as much more than this, and we discover its role in the formation of our light body.

“Why does the energy of awakening get stuck in my head?” This woman is also aware of making a lot of effort in her spiritual search, which seems to make things worse. An illuminating teaching on fundamental relaxation, the head’s connection with the heavens, and how that changes the brain.

In this video John describes the connection between his teaching and the chakra system, also known as energy centers. Revealing common misconceptions about these amazing gateways to our being, he clarifies their true function and potential.

In response to the sharing of a profound experience by the man in this dialogue, John explains the connection between the Calling, our energy centres and the manifestation of oneness in this life.

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