John de Ruiter Podcasts

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John de Ruiter Podcast 608

Actual or Real: Is There a Difference?

June 28, 2020 @ 2:00pm

John often refers to what is real and what is actual. What does he mean, and how do we know when we're being real?

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543 – Rebuilding Your Relationship For a Higher Purpose

Entering a sexual relationship too soon has created suffering for this couple. Is it possible to start over, and build the kind of commitment that will survive the inevitable difficulties?

503 – The Integration of Sexual Energy: No Longer Using or Resisting Its Power

John responds to a woman who has begun to fear her sexuality when it comes up around others, knowing that her way of controlling it isn't true.

478 – Together in Dearness, Simple and Pure

What does it mean to be in a real relationship, expressing a pure sexuality? John describes what comes first for unseen levels of love to be made physical.

460 – True to your Heart in a World of Technology

In this busy world of computers, phones and increasing technology, how can we listen to the heart and stay committed to inner truth? John shares a tiny shift in relating that makes it easy in the midst of any kind of pressure.

454 – The Integration and Healing of Your Sexuality

In response to a person who sees that her sexuality has deeper roots than anything she’s experienced, John explains what sexuality is really for. He describes the subtle, extraordinary capacity of our deeper sexuality to give access even into the universe.

440 – Sexuality Beyond Want and Need

In what John describes as the legitimate and wonderful pull towards sexual union, there’s no room for want or need, hope or disappointment. This dialogue takes a deep dive into the topic of sexuality and power, and how it can all come to rest in a fully opened heart.

436 – The Unlimited Reach of Your Human Sexuality

“The use of sexuality can easily become frustrating because it promises so much and delivers so little.” John describes what human sexuality is really for, and what it takes for us to move in the depth and subtlety of its full potential.

433 – Sexuality, Shame and Judgment: The Undoing of Your Conditioning

This young man asks for help to free his nervous system of all the conditioning and conflict he knows is there in his sexuality. John explains what sexuality is really for, and how to discover and be in it anew.

427 – Multi-Dimensional Communion: The Awakening of Your Senses

Though the man in this dialogue has awakened to deeper levels of reality, he wonders how he can give form to what's immaterial. John describes how this deeper reality is made physical, awakening the brain and body to a multi-dimensional communion.

378 – From Male Identity to Transformed Masculinity

We all know there's a female cycle, but is there also a male cycle? In this talk, John explains what opens the deeper levels of the man, what maleness is, and what enables the balancing of male and female energies.

368 – From a Bicycle to a Spaceship: Opening The Codes of Sexuality

Human sexuality is much more magical and powerful than most of us have realized; our physical bodies and sexual anatomy are already configured to connect with our inter-dimensional being. How can we move into that potential? John explains.

365 – From Boy to Man: Integrating Masculine Sexuality

A talk about integrating male energy, hormones, desire, and the way beyond boyhood into real sexual maturity.

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