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John de Ruiter Podcasts

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John de Ruiter Podcast 580

Becoming a Scientist of Love

January 2, 2004 @ 2:00pm

“You know what it is to be intelligent; do you know what it is to be a being?” Step by step, John shows how to explore our being, filling what is known intellectually with its extraordinary qualities.

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518 – The Intelligence of Love

“Love, and you’ll know its intelligence.” A journey into the multilevelled body of love that lies beyond our comfort zone. John explains the role of the energy centres in allowing this love to have presence in the self.

374 – The Heart: Gateway to Your Body of Light

How is the heart that John speaks about different from the place in us that gets entangled in relationships and drama? Their conversation reveals the heart as much more than this, and we discover its role in the formation of our light body.

322 – Called and Given to a Life of Oneness

In response to the sharing of a profound experience by the man in this dialogue, John explains the connection between the Calling, our energy centres and the manifestation of oneness in this life.

313 – The True Function of Chakras Explained

What are the chakras or energy centres, and how do they relate to enlightenment? In this dialogue, John explains that the chakras are like gates. When they are closed we feel empty and stressed. When they are open, there is alignment and enlightenment.

242 – Spiritual Awakening and the Opening of Your Energy Centres

We have many energy centres in our bodies. These energy gates are doorways to our being and to deeper levels of existence. The energy that trickles through them is what gives meaning to our life. How do we open these gates more fully and step into a magical being-filled life? Listen to this podcast to find out!

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