John de Ruiter Podcast 498

John de Ruiter Podcast 498

Welcoming Waves of a Deeper Pool Into Your Life

When: July 1, 2015 @ 2:00pm
Is there a way to enter completely the stillness and beauty known in the deeper levels of the body? John describes what’s required, and how living from this level may manifest in person, in life.
“It’s the movement of these waves that turns your deeper levels into deeper bodies, and these waves form your seeing.”
  • Welcoming Waves of a Deeper Pool Into Your Life 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Welcoming Waves of a Deeper Pool Into Your Life

Q: I was very taken last night, talking about ‘enter completely’, I looked to see how I could do that. I saw the possibility of entering with my deeper levels, letting my deeper levels enter too. I became aware of deeper levels as pools, deep, still me, dark, still and very beautiful to be with. I just have the sense that there’s more and more that could enter, without actually knowing how to do that.

John: You can give unqualified permission while you are in that pool to anything at all that could possibly manifest, that could possibly be true of that pool, into your self, into your person, and whatever that could possibly be, it wouldn’t matter to you what that looks like in your self or in your person. Your yes and your permission remain unqualified, and that’s because you know that that deeper level pool is only good and true. It’s pure. That is then in you a level of entering completely, and in your person you live with these deeper-levelled permissions resounding.

That enables these deeper levels in you, without them even needing to be deeper bodies yet, to move as waves, waves that you let register in your self and in your person. It’s the movement of these waves that turns your deeper levels into deeper bodies, and these waves form your seeing. You see by them even if you don’t yet understand what your seeing means.

There, you move what you know into more density, a density of you entering entirely. As you begin to recognize in your understanding the implications of you living within this deeper-levelled seeing, and you let these implications, that are a little bit by little bit becoming understood, form your perspective in your person. You’ll let it change how you see as a person. You’ll let it change what matters to you as a person.

You are coming into a much more dense level of you entering what you know completely. As soon as it changes your perspective in your person, it is, in your person, real. It is real knowledge in your person. When some of this perspective in your person is moved into your life and into what is seen by others, when you are manifesting your perspective into life and into the midst of this world regardless of what that may cost you, you have made what you know the truth of and your complete entrance into it, concrete.

None of this requires you having deeper-levelled unusual experiences. It isn’t needed. Entering entirely doesn’t mean that you’ve entered another dimension, and you knew it. It means that you’re entering what you know, and you know it, and you remain in that completely as you move that from level to level of form until it is, in this world, concrete.

Q: There’s been response in me to your words as you speak. It’s as if some intelligence in my body is following as you speak. How can I give unqualified permission in a way that is sustained?

John: By welcoming the waves of that deeper pool to come into your self and into your person during your day while you are in your surface experiences, and you let the movement of these waves, however subtle, freely alter your perspective that has been determining the experience that you’re in. So you’ll let these waves freely alter your surface experience because you let it alter your perspective. It’s your perspective that you have in your person that determines the quality and the depth of your experiences in your day.

When you let that wave of a deeper pool move into your person while you are in a trying conversation, your perspective shifts and, if you let that follow-through in midstream in that conversation, you will shift. You’ll be slower to speak and you’ll be deeply attentive to your listening within, which changes how you see what the other is saying. You’ll see from within a deeper level. This is you entering completely.

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