John de Ruiter Podcast 577

John de Ruiter Podcast 577

The Materialization of What You Really Are

When: February 26, 2020 @ 8:00pm
Where: ,
“But that’s not possible!” In this conversation, John shows how inner alignment and love can materialize our unseen deeper levels in physical reality.
“Reality is not confined to our experience of it. Our experience of it, in all its possibility, is the least of it.”
  • The Materialization of What You Really Are 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

The Materialization of What You Really Are

Q: I was hoping if you can talk a little bit about physicalizing or materializing. You spoke a little bit about it. You can say more?

John: That comes through your givenness to something within that you directly know is deeper than your self, lovelier than your self, and then being that givenness while you are in the space, the field, of your self. While you are there, given to what is deeper than your self, while you are there in the field of your self, in the materiality of your self, the givenness to what’s deeper within starts to move in the way that it is. It starts to stream a little bit, right there in your self. That begins softening that space in your self. Your self, without you focusing on it, opens, softens, and begins to move differently, begins to move a little bit like your being moves. It isn’t a copy. It begins like a love mirroring, the mirroring of what you are being. The mirroring is in your self, which is the first of your self starting to move the same way that your being moves. That’s a little bit of you, without realizing it, materializing your being in your self. Form of your self is there in that first mirroring being assimilated by you, a being, which gives you, a being, within the field of your self, a little bit of self form: a little bit of self substance opened, softened, and transformed into the same as you, a being. That is you, a being, materializing in your self. 

Q: So it’s just in the self. Can I materialize what I am?

John: Materializing isn’t by thought or feeling, will or emotion. There are fields, materialization fields, in what you really are. You being what you really are in the midst of your self affects your self. It’s a direct influence of being on your self. It makes your self the same. As you move much more deeply into what you really are, you come into some of the materialization fields. They are like magical fields of movement, movement that has nothing to do with anything in your life. It’s there to materialize a magical kind of connectivity, a form of it within the space of your self. It’s a form of bridging, not at all for any results in your self and not for any reason. It’s a natural movement in the greater depths of what you really are and it is foreign to your self. 

As you move in those materialization fields, deeply gone into, given to what you really are, you come into different laws, a very different level of law: a level of reality where the laws of how reality moves and what it is, is altogether different. From there, which is like the innermost of reality, through your movement there, you are able to bring about, to bring things about in a way that isn’t possible in all of your sense of physical reality. It’s the unseen bringing about something seen. It doesn’t move by intention but by innermost alignment through which love brings about, within the surface sense of reality, something that all in your self isn’t possible. It is a power of creative movement that’s kept safe way deep in what you really are. It moves as intimacy, producing what would be, in your self, materially impossible. Reality is not confined to our experience of it. Our experience of it, in all its possibility, is the least of it. 

Q: You kind of said that it’s not really the part that materializes. It moves by intimacy, but then there’s something that bridges that to physicality, or..?

John: Yes. Making actual and real what is considered impossible. 

Q: What’s that?

John: If I were to spell it out the mind would say, “but that’s not possible.” It doesn’t really matter what I’m saying. If it doesn’t directly touch into something that you are knowing, it doesn’t need to mean anything to you.  

Q: There are lots of things that happen in the meetings that I don’t understand and they seem impossible but they happen, and I just want to ask about all these movements in my body. Is this something that I’m doing? Or is this something that you’re doing?

John: As you are moved by that, that turns into you moving with that, being the same. And then, maybe even moving that. It’s developmental in you as a being; it isn’t developmental, or even possible, in your self. It is you as a being dwelling in your self, moving in a way that a developed being moves. It appears as most unusual things being done in your self, things not possible for your self. As that develops, it begins to move outside of your self. You, a being, moving what is outside of your self in a way that makes material difference within physical reality. To give it a sensible kind of labelling, it can be called the work of beings.

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