John de Ruiter Podcast 298

John de Ruiter Podcast 298

Return to Your Heart, Return to Your Innocence

When: May 18, 2013 @ 2:00pm
Where: ,
How can a person with strong mental conditioning connect to their heart? Through the example of loving someone, John shows the questioner how to be in his heart and, despite shyness and embarrassment, let it come into his face, filling his body and changing his thinking.
“Goodness doesn’t come from your thinking. It comes from you being in your heart. You have your thinking so that you can communicate in words what is in your heart. The power of your thinking is for you to speak your heart.”
  • Return to Your Heart, Return to Your Innocence 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Return to Your Heart, Return to Your Innocence

Q: Does the heart have a location in this form? Is it tangible to the nervous system? Is the heart like an axis point to the knowing?

John: Yes.

Q: I’m very conditioned to be mental and I’m wondering when I’m not so much connected to my body, can I be connected to my heart? Or does the connection with the heart come from the nervous system and the body?

John: When you love someone, when you deeply love someone, that doesn’t put you into your thinking. It puts you into your body. It puts you into your heart. When you express directly your depth of love for someone, your heart comes up into your face. Your heart fills your head, instead of your thinking filling your head. It’s the presence of your heart that comes up into your face. When your heart comes up into your face, meaning fills your face and you know who you’re loving, with the meaning in your face.

In your self when this occurs, you’re uncomfortable in your self. Your self is pushed and stretched, and you feel and shy and embarrassed. When you remain with what you’re loving in your heart, your heart remains in your face. It remains up in your face with the shyness and the embarrassment not stopping you.

Your heart, in being welcome in your face, then fills the rest of your body, with your whole heart being all of your body.

Q: Is that something I can actively open up to? Is the self involved or is it just the letting go?

John: When you involve your self in your heart, you’ll be filling your heart with your self. That makes your heart small, confined, and to a location until you can’t feel it and then you feel only your self. Your heart center, the meaning of your heart, means more than the meaning of your self. You don’t need your self for you to be in your heart. You do need to be in your heart for you to be in your self wholesomely. The well-being of your self is completely dependent on the well-being of you in your heart. It’s more important for you to be in your heart than for you to be in your self.

When you are in your heart, your heart comes up into your face, which means that your heart is opening in your self, and it shows in your self, making you feel in your self shy and embarrassed.

Q: Right now there’s something I’m drawn to and also a lot of resistance. Is it the heart that is drawing me?

John: Yes. It’s not a lot of resistance. It is a strong pull into your heart. As you respond in your heart, the presence of your heart increases and becomes bigger, changing your experience of your self. It’s uncomfortable for you in your self, and yet in your heart you love it. You love it and you want more. As you come more into your heart, as you sit there, you’re coming more into your heart, and your body feels different. The way that you are in your body and in your face is different, but it’s not different from how you were when you were really little.

When you were really little you lived in your heart. Then you came into the power of your thinking. In realizing that you had power in thinking, you began to slowly leave your heart and belong to your thinking. Your heart becomes covered by your thinking. Then, the more that you’re in your thinking, the more empty you are, within. Goodness doesn’t come from your thinking. It comes from you being in your heart. You have your thinking so that you can communicate in words what is in your heart. The power of your thinking is for you to speak your heart.

You’re back in your heart. You’re in your heart and what’s more than that is that you’re responding to your being. The more that you are in your heart, the more you respond to your being. When you are in your heart, your heart opens and your heart softens. That opening and softening is your opening into your own being. When you are in your heart opening and softening, your own being comes into your heart, with your experience of your body changing again. Your whole body becomes thick with meaning. You’re awakening to a deeper level of your body.

When you’re in a deeper level of your body, your heart filled with your being, you think differently. You begin to think as a heart and as a being. Thinking as a heart and as a being changes your self. What matters in your self, changes. The values in your self change when you are in your heart and when your being is filling your heart.

Q: Does that lead to knowing?

John: Yes. When you are in your heart, you know much more. You’re not knowing through thinking. When you are in your heart, you are directly knowing meaning. When you are in your heart, meaning fills your heart. As you remain in your heart and your being begins to fill your heart, the level of meaning deepens. It becomes increasingly more profound. Your seeing changes and your experience of reality changes. You know reality more. You feel more. You feel deeply real, just like when you were really little.

If your mother saw you now, she would remember what you were, and she would remember what she used to be.

Q: Is there a measurement of heart? I heard that this awakening or this knowing is something that happens instantly and isn’t dependent on deepening, and layers and layers and layers.

John: You can realize it in an instant. You don’t become it in an instant. The becoming is through your forms, the deeper having presence in your forms, changing your forms. Your heart can change quickly. Your self doesn’t change quickly. Your self changes more slowly and your body even more slowly. The more dense the level of form, the more slowly it changes.

It takes time for you to become mastered in your self, mastered by your being-filled heart.

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