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John de Ruiter Podcast 84

John de Ruiter Podcast 84

No Observer, No Watcher, No Witness

When: November 30, 2012 @ 11:00am
“As awareness you don’t need the watcher, the witness, the observer. As awareness you need only to be at one with everything, within, that is deeper than what your self is, and all of that needs to be able to have all of your self. Then in your living, instead of being upside down you’re right-side up: a beautiful being with whatever kind of self; a beautiful being that now has the self you used to be, and it’s going to turn it into a self of change. With every movement, change comes.”
“In this you don’t stop to observe and think about what you’re entering or where it is you enter. You just simply enter and enter and enter.”
  • No Observer, No Watcher, No Witness 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

No Observer, No Watcher, No Witness

Q: Except the time that I close my eyes and sit quietly, and except the time that I’m working or not paying attention, if I’m paying attention to the being, I feel the self is looking at the being and saying: “This is good, this is beautiful, I am very happy …” and I feel it’s the opposite way that it should be. If you can help me to put it in the correct way?

John: Let go of the observer. Have no need of the observer and then, from within your heart into your own being, you’re gone. Then, as a being, you have a self.

Q: The observer – you don’t mean the knower. You mean the voice in my head?

John: The seer, the observer, the knower: all of them having goodness, with none of them being it. They all have goodness because of what they come from, but because they hold the power – what’s perceived as being power – they’re not it.

For you to be in what is real to your own being, for you to be in that, in your heart, then as soon as you know, as soon as you know the truth of something you’re not watching it, you’re not observing it, you’re not seeing it, you’re not being that which knows it. You simply know the truth of something and into it you’re gone. Then you are how oneness functions.

As awareness you don’t need the watcher, the witness, the observer. As awareness you need only to be at one with everything, within, that is deeper than what your self is, and all of that needs to be able to have all of your self. Then in your living, instead of being upside down you’re right-side up: a beautiful being with whatever kind of self; a beautiful being that now has the self you used to be, and it’s going to turn it into a self of change. With every movement, change comes.

Q: So, isn’t the awareness the knower?

John: Awareness being the knower is a parking spot, just as awareness being the seer, the witness, the observer.

Awareness knows, and into knowing is gone. When awareness is gone into knowing, knowing comes into form. It moves with this form as your own being does. When awareness is gone into knowing, knowing moving as your being does has your self, and with it a life.

Q: A very strange feeling, also comfortable.

John: It’s different from strange. More correctly it’s delightfully unusual, with the unusual delightfully never ending.

Q: It is like not in the body.

John: You’re in your body. You’re in a much deeper level of your body, with there being many levels to your body, with all of them being in a state of movement, enabling you, in your body, to move in the same rhythm as reality moves.

Q: I have no clue now what reality means and what you mean by reality.

John: You don’t mind: you love what you’re in; you love what you’re knowing; you love what you’re seeing. You’re loving what is so real. You are as delighted as you were when you were a lovely, lovely little boy.

Q: And through this place I can touch all the other levels?

John: In this you not only touch the other levels, you move as the other levels. You not only touch other realms, you move as other realms. Your self is much too small for all of this. That’ll change.

If your mother would see you now, she would remember.

Q: I feel it’s like some kind of a stream but from all of the other worlds, like three-dimensions. And it’s all the same thing, the same stream everywhere.

John: You’ll not get used to this. This is the beginning.

Q: What do you mean?

John: You’ll see. In this, as soon as you ask, you have. As soon as you look, you see. In this, there isn’t a limit. In this, as far as you can reach and in every way that you can reach, you enter. The more you enter, the more you reach.

Q: Do I enter inside me?

John: That’s too small. In this you don’t stop to observe and think what you’re entering or where it is you enter. You just simply enter … and enter … and enter.

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