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John de Ruiter Podcast 546

John de Ruiter Podcast 546

Less and Even Less: Why Weakness is Your Way Home, Within

When: January 3, 2017 @ 7:15pm
Contrary to worldly conditioning, weakness isn’t something to conceal or avoid; it’s actually key to embodying a full spectrum of awareness. John describes the journey, and what it requires.
“Each weakness leads to another, and contrary to the impulse of conditioning that would have you speedily ascending the ladder, putting you into your strengths, you’ll be descending the ladder.”
  • Less and Even Less: Why Weakness is Your Way Home, Within 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

Less and Even Less: Why Weakness is Your Way Home, Within

Q: How do I be in my weakest weakness?

John: By you, openness and softness, in relationship to weakness. Begin within your personality being rested in your weaknesses, being at home within any lack that you perceive and experience in your personality. As you are being openness and softness within the weaknesses in your personality, the lack that’s there will bring up the weaknesses in your self and the lack in your self. As they come up, continue being openness and softness, not just in the weaknesses in your personality, but also the weaknesses in your self.

Continue being at home in weakness. In this way, in whatever weakness you perceive or experience, by being openness and softness in it, at home in it, as soon as you are in any weakness you are naturally then descending the ladder of weaknesses. Each weakness leads to another, and contrary to the impulse of conditioning that would have you speedily ascending the ladder, putting you into your strengths, you’ll be descending the ladder.

This enables you, openness and softness, to no longer favour your strengths. When you are at home in your strengths, that doesn’t mean that you’ll be at home in your weaknesses, but as soon as you are at home in your weaknesses, any movement of yours in your strengths will be openly and softly inclusive of your weaknesses.

You’ll have a full spectrum of presence in your self no longer based on attraction and aversion: presence in your self all based on home. This lays the foundation clearly that you really are openness and softness, moving as easily in your weaknesses as in your strengths, making real and clear, in form, what you belong to, what you really are.

With that level of belonging to beingness, openness and softness, with any rhythm of being that is in the decrease you won’t resist the descent even deeper into weakness; presence of being that is even less than openness and softness. In this descent through the rhythm of decrease – the rhythm of your being that moves in decrease – because you are fundamentally at home in weakness and at home in less, you’ll move with that decrease. As awareness, you’ll be at home in what might even seem to be the dissolve of your being; that you’ll be stillness of being that is being less and less and less, even if that rhythm of being in its decrease carries you into being nothing.

Q: Can you speak more about awareness?

John: There are as many levels of awareness, levels of you, as there are levels of reality. Wherever you are aware, there you, awareness, are. Whether that is all the way out into the blossoming and the colour of your personality or whether it is through the descent of your weaknesses – your weaknesses in your seen forms – or whether it is through the rhythm of decrease in your being, that you are responding, as awareness, being carried into less and less and less, way deep down into the unseen until there you are: nothing, aware.

The depth and the quality of you, awareness, being at home there as the rhythm of being that is in the increase carries you, awareness, all the way up through all the levels of your being … back up into your heart and moved right into your self and your personality … revealing a quality and depth of home in the weaknesses of your personality that come from and originate in you being nothing, aware, bringing about subtleties of colour in your personality that would never otherwise be known.

There, you, awareness, awakened to your full spectrum, at home in all; you, awareness being at home within every level of weakness from the outermost of your personality to the innermost of your being; you, awareness, awakened through presence within deepest decrease through to the greatest increase, unifying all of these levels of you, aware.

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