John de Ruiter Podcast 455

John de Ruiter Podcast 455

From Unconscious to Conscious: The Profound Nurture of Realization

When: September 11, 2014 @ 2:00pm
Responding to a question about how consciousness and unconsciousness become one, John describes how realization, or its lack, forms the basis of our reality. A reality governed by experience or by what truly nurtures and satisfies us.
“When you are in realization, what you first are, is conscious.”
  • From Unconscious to Conscious: The Profound Nurture of Realization 00:00
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Podcast Transcript

From Unconscious to Conscious: The Profound Nurture of Realization

Q: I want to ask you about conscious and unconsciousness, how they become one.

John: When you are in realization then what you really are is conscious. When you’re not in realization, awareness is conscious but awareness will be conscious in what it’s experiencing. When you are conscious as awareness of what you are experiencing, your own experience is your platform of existence. It’s your basis of reality. When you are in realization, your basis of being in reality isn’t based on what you’re experiencing. It isn’t based on what you are thinking and feeling in your self. Your basis of reality isn’t your self. When you are in realization, what you are, what you first are, is conscious.

When you’re in realization, when you are realizing what you know in your heart, you are knowing meaning directly in reality; not meaning as you understand it in your thinking and your feeling, not meaning as you perceive meaning in your self. In your self you register the meaning of something. When you have realization, you are directly realizing meaning – not the meaning of something but meaning being you. When you realize meaning in your heart, it isn’t a conceptual realization. It’s heart-realization. When you realize meaning in your heart, you are directly, as meaning, knowing meaning. The fulfillment of what you really are is immediate. It doesn’t come from anything that you experience in your self.

When you move as realization beginning with what you realize in your heart and you move as that realization, you are as awareness moving, being one with what you know. Awareness and knowing move together. Realization is awareness and knowing coming together. It comes together in your heart. The beginning of oneness is in your heart.

When you are in the experience of your self, you’re not realizing meaning. You have a particular understanding of meaning, meaning that you understand through your experience and through what you are thinking and feeling, what you are thinking and feeling in your self. Through experience, you realize the meaning of something, a positive meaning or a negative meaning. The positive meaning, when you’re relating directly to your self, puts you in attraction. You are attracted to that meaning because it gives you an experience on the level of your self that’s favourable. It promises the meaning of something and you want to re-experience that, so you’re attracted to that. When you experience in your self a negative meaning, you’ll naturally have an aversion to that. When you live in your self in aversion to a particular kind of experience, a certain kind of thinking and feeling, or if you live in attraction to a particular kind of thinking and feeling, you are in pursuit or in the escape of meaning. When you’re pursuing or escaping meaning, you’re not in realization.

When you’re in realization, you are meaning realizing meaning. It doesn’t come from outside of you, so it produces a settledness. When you are settled within realization, immediately there’s nurture. Nurture isn’t a positive or a negative. When you’re being nurtured on a profound level, it’s because you are being the same as what you really are. That brings you into a much deeper level of satisfaction. You’re satisfied by what you’re being instead of by what you’re experiencing.

When you move as the satisfaction of being, you move as oneness. When you move as the satisfaction of what you’re experiencing, you’ll be in pursuit of meaning, separating you from what meaning is. When you look for meaning, when you’re escaping a negative meaning or attracted to a positive meaning, you’re not being meaning. When you’re not being meaning, there isn’t the nurture of you being what you really are.

Oneness is nurtured by what it already is; its own beingness is its nurture. It has need of nothing. It’s already complete. It’s completed by its own beingness. You can be completed by your own beingness when you are within realization. Realization in the heart involves you realizing a beingness that is a perfect match to what’s deeper in you. That’s why it nurtures you.

A positive experience, a positive thinking and feeling, satisfies your experience of your self. It gives you a favourable experience, but that favourable experience, being devoid of realization, isn’t going to satisfy what’s deeper in you. It doesn’t satisfy what you really are.

There isn’t anything that’s wrong with experience. There isn’t anything wrong with thinking and feeling. There isn’t anything wrong with your self, but the real value of your self isn’t in how you experience your self. The real value of your self comes from you being in realization in the midst of your thinking and your feeling, in the midst of what you’re experiencing. Then you realize what you really are in the midst of an experience. That gives you a frame of reference within your experience that doesn’t come from what you’re experiencing; it comes from what you really are.

Realization has to do with beingness. Experience has to do with how you experience your self. It’s an outward level of form. That outward level of form isn’t satisfied in a profound way in its own experience. It’s satisfied in a profound way when you are being what is deeper, within, than what your self is, than what your experience is.

When realization in your heart is what informs you of what is real and true in the midst of what you experience in your self and as a self, then you have a nurtureful frame of reference for your experience. That opens and settles what you are experiencing. It gives you a different context for what you are experiencing than the context of your experience. That frees you from pursuing what you’re experiencing or looking to escape from what you’re experiencing.

When you’re being realization in the midst of an experience, you are opening and softening in that experience. It’s the beingness of that openness and that softness that profoundly satisfies you, that nurtures you.

Q: Thank you.

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