Month: May

Q: About seventeen years ago I was in an accident and I was hospitalized for two years. Two years later I was in another accident and hospitalized for three more years. My mind, body – everything – collapsed and it took me a long…
Q: I’m so grateful to have met you in Rishikesh. I felt some healing had happened when I stopped my practice of self-enquiry, but now I feel as if my self has come back stronger than before! John: It’s not stronger; you just didn’t…

Is it important to be close to someone who can help me deepen my awareness, or can I do it myself? John explains what it is about proximity to a living example that works, and how it accelerates entrance into what we know matters most.

Q: I’m afraid to speak in front of people. When I was a child I didn’t speak and I want to learn how to do it. John: You have a difficulty with speaking because speaking makes you vulnerable. It makes you feel exposed and…

How do we create depression? John describes how feelings of lack and meaninglessness occur in our lives and what to do to return to our own source.

This man has had vivid experiences on his spiritual journey but it has taken a lot of energy. He feels disconnected from everyday things, making difficult even his wish to find a partner. John shows him where the problem lies, how to be with his spiritual experiences, and how to become ready for a real relationship.

This man believes that his physical pain is a symptom of having carried his mother’s depression following the miscarriage of his baby brother. In this delicate meeting and before our eyes, John shows him how to enter his heart and connect with his little brother now.

Q: Does our genetic conditioning strongly influence our life and behaviour?  John: Where you’re not in your heart, absolutely. Where you are unconditionally in your heart, at any personal expense, no. Q: Sometimes I think a person’s genetic imprint is what makes it so…

It’s said that we are all one, but what does that mean? Do we need to ‘be one’ and if so, how? In this dialogue, John’s response illuminates both the detail and the simplicity in the meaning of and the way to oneness.

Q: I feel out of control in my life. Something seems to affect my work and personal life and I don’t know what to do about it. It’s as if I’m influenced by an archetype and keep becoming a scapegoat. I find it difficult…

JdR Audio 362

“The awakening and the conscious unification of all of the levels of you opens the potential of you that is far more, way beyond what is cosmic. It awakens you to what is before the universe and it puts you right into the stream of the reason for the universe.”

JdR Audio 363

“If you would be a hundred percent open, you would absolutely lose all control to intimacy. All of the coverings of intimacy are gone. You would move without a thought of your self.”

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